Part 54

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How did Haeun know? Ofcorse Haeun saw her picture in Seungwoo's home, but she is the exact copy of Seungwoo.

"Haeun-ah can we talk?" Mrs. Han asked "Ne ofcourse," Haeun said and followed her.

Haeun was getting nervous. Why Seungwoo's mother wants to meet her.

Now Haeun and Seungwoo's mother were sited at a cafe in the mall

"Haeun-ah I have heard from Sunhwa that you are dating my son," Mrs. Han said and Haeun remained silent.

"Thank you for coming into his life," Mes. Han said and Haeun was shocked.

Haeun thought Seungwoo's mother would threaten her to leave him or something like they do in the dramas.

"After Jiae died. My son also died with her. He had a hard time taking care of his daughter. But ever since you came along, both Sieun and Seungwoo are happy." Mrs. Han said.

"I hope you always stay with them" Mrs. Han said taking Haeun's hand in hers.

"Ne Mrs Han i will" Haeun said.

"Call me Eomonim. You will be my daughter-in-law anyway." Mrs Han said and Haeun blushed.

Will she ever get to marry Seungwoo?

" Ne Eomonim" Haeun said with a huge smile. Haeun never thought Seungwoo's mother would be this accepting.

"Haeun-ah when is your lunch break?" Mrs. Han asked.

Haeun looked at her watch and saw that it was already time for the lunch.

"Ah it has already started" Haeun said.

"That's great. Let's have lunch together." Mrs. Han said.

While having lunch Haeun came to know a lot about Seungwoo and his family. Mrs. Han also told Haeun about Seungwoo's hardship after Taeil died.

Mrs. Han also talked about her life. Before marrying Seungwoo's father. She was reared up in an orphanage. Later while working for Seungwoo's father both of them fell in love and got married

Haeun found her so cute. It was like she found another friend.

"Oh Haeun-ah at what time your lunch ends?" Mrs. Han asked.

"Ah Eimonim at 3" Haeun said and Mrs. Han looked at her watch.

"Eo then I won't keep you for long. It's almost 3" Mrs. Han said

"Ah thank you for the food Eomonim." Haeun said bowing.

"Eo let's have lunch soon" Mrs han said and Haeun left the restaurant.

"Eo Haeun-ssi who was that??Your boyfried's mother?" One of Haeun's coworker asked.

Haeun nodded her haed saying yes while she was organising some of the stuffs that came in.

"What did she say? Did she threaten you to break up??" Haeun's coworker asked

"Aniyo" Haeun said laughing at her coworker's dramatic question.

(Time skip)

Haeun was finally done with her work and was about to go home when one of her coworker stopped Haeun.

"Haeun-ssi" haeun heard her coworker calling her.

"Ne Woojin-ssi?" Haeun said.

"I was wondering if you had time to have dinner" Haeun herd Woojin asking.

"I- No she doesn't have time " Seungwoo said coming out of nowhere

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