Part 33

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after Seungwoo gave his speech it was Sunhwa's turn to give her speech. "Wow That hyung is really cool," Donghan said "I really admire Han Sunhwa." Deokhee said ."She has achieved so much on her own. although she has rich parents." Deokhee said and Haeun looked at the person that was giving a speech in front of her.

As Sunhwa was done giving her speech she straight went to Haeun. "Haeun-ah why she is coming here? Do you know her?" Deokhee said "Haeun-ssi right. I am so sorry the other day i couldn't recognize you." Sunhwa said

"Ya, what is she saying?" Deokhee whispered to Haeun

"Perhaps you have time for lunch? I would like to have lunch with you" Sunhwa said and Deokhee widened her eyes. Haeun was frozen on the spot for the sudden invitation for lunch.

"Ya, what are you doing say something" Deokhee nudged Haeun. "Ah ne," Haeun said


"I am so sorry Haeun-ah I couldn't recognize you. Wait I can talk to you informally right?" Sunhwa asked and haeun nodded her head. while taking they entered the restaurant Sunhwa wanted to come.

"Ah ne ofcourse, "Haeun said and they sat on the chair.

"So how's your mom and dad doing.? I haven't talked to them for a while." Sunhwa said which made Haeun remember what Jungmi had told her.

"Ah they are fine," HAeun said and the waiter came to take their order.

After that, WIth that, they talked for a while, and honestly, Sunhwa wasn't that intimidating as Haeun thought. Sunhwa also told her about her and Seungwoo's younger days.

"Ya by the way why are you speaking so formally just call me unnie ok," Sunhwa said "AH ne...... Unnie" Haeun said. and the waiter served their food.

"Nuna!" Haeun heard someone saying. When she looked she saw it was Seungwoo HAeun got embarrassed thinking of yesterday's kiss.

"Ya, you came at the right time. Come join us" Sunhwa said

"Hope you don't mind I have invited him" Sunhwa said

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