Part 15

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haeun was shocked by the sudden hug. "Seungwoo-ssi"?" Haeun tried to call him but there wasn't any sort t of response. Haeun laid him on his bed and put a hand on his forehead and saw that he had a fever. 

'he has a fever' Haeun thought. she went to the kitchen and was fetching a bowl of water with a towel. "Is Seungwoo ok?" Mrs. Ahn said "AH he has a fever that's why I was taking this to his room," Haeun said. 

"Miss Moon I hope you take care of him," Mrs. Ahn said " of course I will. But no need to be formal just call me Haeun" Haeun said and Mrs aHn replied.

'She would be the perfect girl for our Seungwoo' Mrs. Ahn thought to herself and smiled.

Haeun came back to Seungwoo's room and put the bowl beside the bed table. And then haeun began to put the wet towel on his forehead. 

Seungwoo woke up after a while and Saw a bowl of porridge and some medicine beside his bed table with a note from Haeun.

"Here is some porridge for you Seungwoo-ssi. after taking the porridge please take the medicine. I have talked to the doctor and he told me it was ok to take them so don't worry you won't die>.<. Anyways I have taken Sieun to the park and someone named Seungsik called you. And I am sorry I picked up your phone without your permission but it was ringing several times so I thought it would disturb you.

Xoxo Haeun

Seungwoo smiled seeing the note. He ate the porridge and then took the medicine later he went outside only to find chattering.  He saw that Hanse and Subin were playing with Sieun and Seungsik and Chan were talking with Haeun.

"Where is Byungchan?" Seungwoo's question made everyone look in his direction. 

"Hyung!" Subin went on and hugged the elder.  Seungwoo also hugged him back "Ah Byungchan Hyung is out grocery shopping," Subin said and as on cue, Byungchan came running.

"Hyung!!! I heard you were sick are you ok?" Btyngchan asked. 

Haeun could see the bond between these guys. A smile crept on Haeun's face without knowing. Just then Seungwoo's phone rang  indicating he had  an incoming video call

"Hyung" Haeun heard a familiar voice. 

"Eo Sejun-ah," Seungwoo said only to realize it was her cousin. 

"How are you? Is my ugly sister giving you trouble?" Sejun asked and Seungwoo's eyes darted to Haeun who was like she could kill Sejun.

"Ya lim Sejiun!" Haeun  shouted taking the phone from Seungwoo's hand

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