Part 27

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That day went on in flash Haeun didn't know what happened. At first, the person she thought was her mom wasn't her mom then the person she thought she wouldn't meet was in her life. Now all of it made sense to her Han Seungwoo Woo. They were the same person. Haeun's head was full of thoughts like did he know.? Is that why he has been kind to me. Sejun's return was delayed too. Even though Haeun and Sejun bicker a lot. Haeun relies on Sejun.

Haeun was now in front of Seungwoo's fidgeting with her fingers. "Haeun-ah?" Haeun heard someone and when she looked back she saw that it was Mrs. Ahn. She had groceries in her hand

"Ah ne," Haeun said almost whispering. "What are you doing here? instead of going in" Mrs.Ahn asked "aNi I was about to go inside" Haeun said and Mrs. Ahn and Haeun went inside.

Meanwhile, Seungwoo went to the storeroom in order to find the box of pictures. He looked at the picture whenever he was sad. He was looking for the box and he couldn't find it anywhere in the storeroom.

"Mr. Han, are you looking for something?" Mrs. Ahn asked. "ah ne the box which contained my childhood pictures." Seungwoo said. "ah I saw Haeun looking through them when she came here to take Sieun's doll. She looked quite shocked" Mrs. Ahn said and Seungwoo suddenly tensed up. Did Haeun see them? It's not that Seungwoo didn't want to tell Haeun about it it's just he can't let Haeun hate him. And remembering him only will cost heartache and would make haeun remember her brother even more.

"Arasoo Mrs Ahn did haeun came in?" Seungwoo asked "Ah ne She is in Sieun's room," Mrs. Ah said and Seungwoo went to Sieun's room with a racing heart. Seungwoo's head was full of thoughts like what would happen if she sees the pictures, would she hate him and etc etc.

"Appa" Haeun was startled seeing Seungwoo there. Seungwoo picked up sieun and Sieun kissed Seungwoo's cheeks.

"bye-bye" Sieun waved as she went inside her her class. Seungwoo has driven them.

The drive back home was quiet until Haeun decided to speak.

"Why didn't you come to find me," Haeun said

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