Part 26

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Haeun was really shocked by Subin's mom's kindness. Haeun wanted to go back home at night but Subin's mom didn't let her to. When morning came she pressured her to eat breakfast

"Subin's Appa is out of town for work," Misoo said setting the breakfast. "Nuna eats this my mom is really good at making kimchi jjigae," Subin said and handed Haen a bowl. Haeun doesn't know how she can repay their kindness.

"I heard you work for Seungwoo," Misoo asked as she sat down with a bowl of kimchi jjigae herself. "Ah ne I babysit Sieun" Haeun said as she ate.. She has to admit it was the best Kimchi jjigae she had in a long while. "Ah yes I heard from Jaehwa that the old many used to neglect Sieun. I told her to change her so many times but in the end, she got hurt" Misoo said. Haeun had no idea who Jaehwa was but anyways.

"Thank you for the food" Haeun said and bowed. "Aigoo your parents thought you so well. you are so polite" Misoo said. Ha parents! Haeun's parents never thought her any manners. It was she who started to learn manners because if he didn't he would be the victim of bullying. At first, Haeun couldn't understand why her own family used to do that to her but now everything was clear.

"Nuna are you going to Seungwoo Hyung's house?" subin asked and Haeun nodded. "Come on i will drop you off Subin said.

When Subin and haeun arrived at Seungwoo's house Sieun was already at school and Seungwoo was at work. "Mrs.Ahn i am so sorry I am late." HAeun said coming into the kitchen." Kwenchana HAeun-ah. I made some cake for Sieun yesterday I have some left wanna eat?" Mrs. Ahn said and Haeun nodded her head saying no. She was already very full from eating so she didn't have more place to eat cake

(Time skip)

Haeun went to Sieun's kindergarten and waited for her. "unnie!"Sieun ran up to Haeun and Haeun hugged her. Honestly, Haeun felt energetic after seeing Sieun.

Later Haeun and Sieun went home. Today Seungwoo was busy because they had an important client coming in. and Haeun was glad because she would be embarrassed to see him.

"unnie I need my bunny !" Sieun said.

"Do you know where it is?" Haeun asked

"Ah that white one" Mrs. Ahn said coming to the room and Sieun nodded. "That's in the store," Mrs. Ahn said.

"I need it I need it now!" Sieun began to throw tantrum.

"It's ok I am going to get it ok Sieun-ah but promise me you will behave," Haeun said and Sieun nodded.

Haeun went to the storeroom and found a lot of stuff that wasn't used for a long time. The storeroom was a lot bigger.

Haeun searched for some time but she couldn't find the doll and then she saw a box and thought it might have the doll Sieun was asking for.

There were some pictures. some of them were in frames some were not. Haeun was about to leave them but one picture caught her eyes. Haeun picked up the picture and was shocked to see Taeil there. Then Haeun took all of the pictures out. There were pictures of her too. Tears started to fall from Haeun's eyes.

'Han Seungwoo.You are woo' Haeun thought

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