Part 65

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2 years later

 It's been 2 years since Haeun and Seungwoo got married. Everything was going well with them. Haeun also decided she would quit her work.Although Seungwoo told her to do whatever she wants but Haeun said no.

Now Haeun was with Deokhee watching Sieun play. But suddenly Haeun felt the urge to vomit. So she ran up to the bathroom and vomited on the sink.

"Haeun-ah are you ok?" Deokhee asked.

For a few days Haeun had the urge to vomit and even vomited up to 5 times a day.

"Haeun-ah I think you should take a pregnancy test" Deokhee whospered and Haeun's eyes widned.

"When did you last have your period?" Deokhee asked.
Now that Haeun think about it last month Haeun didn't have her period .

"Deokhee-ah  look  after Sieun for me hmm?" Haeun asmed and Deokhee nodded.

Haeun ran up to the nearest pharmy and  bought 2 pregnancy test and came back home.

She then directly went to thenbatroom and peed on both of them and waited for 2 minutes.

Haeun took a deep sigh and looked at the test. It was POSITIVE

Haeun couldn't believe that. Haeun couldn't believe a small human was growing in her tummy.

Haeun came outside and saw that Deokhee was waiting  for her.

"So?" Deokhee asked.

"I am pregnant" Haeun said and Deokhee  hugged Haeun.

"Congratulations, I am sure you would be a great Eomma. Just like you are to Sieun." Deokhee said

Later that day Haeun went to shopping with Sieun. Haeun thought she would surprise Seungwoo by getting Sieun a short which says big sister.

Haeun then found one for Sieun's size.

Haeun was now resting when Seungwoo came back. "Appa" Sieun went on and hugged her appa.

"Appa eomma said i will be a big sister" Sieun said and Seungwoo eyes widned.

"Haeun-ah is that true?" Seungwoo asked and Haeun nodded.

Seungwoo then hugged Haeun. Sieun also hugged Haeun.

( A few months later)

It  was a few months later. Haeun's bump was starting to show. Everyone was happy for the couple.  For some reason. Haeun was feeling that there were more than 1 babies. The doctor told them they would be able to cheak a few days alter and today was the day.

"Mrs. Han how is your morning sickness?" Doctor lee  asked.

"It's getting better" Haeun said.

"That's great now come on let's see if you are having one kid or more" doctor lee said and Baeun squished Seungwoo's hand.

Then she laied down on the bad exposing her Belly.

Then the doctor rubbed a liquid on Haeun's Belly and then begain to move the device with her belly.

"Mr. And Mrs. Han......

You guys are having twins"

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