Part 17

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Donghan's words kept ranging in Haeun's head.


"if you don't believe me you can test him," Donghan said 

(end of flashback)

'Arrgh what am I even thinking' Haeun thought. Haeun went outside to see Seungwoo drinking alone. "Want me to keep you accompanied?" Haeun asked and Seungwoo looked at her 

"I don't drink that much but I can definitely keep you company," Haeun said. Haeun was shocked to see Seungwoo drinking only soju/ Haeun thought he would drink much fancy thing like wine or something 

"Eo sure"  Seungwoo replied Seungwoo didn't start drinking so he was sober and he was glad that Haeun decided to join him.

Seungwoo was a heavy drinker so he was alright but after one or two sips Haeun was slightly drunk.

"You know I had a brother. and he had this friend," Haeun said while hiccupping and Seungwoo's ears shot up after all  she was talking about him

"I used to like him so much" Haeun hiccuped "I used to like him so much. When  my parents moved out of Busan I thought he would come to find me." Haeun said which made Seungwoo guilty even more.

"What would do if he comes to find you now?" Seungwoo asked  waiting for Haeun''s answer

"I would-" Seungwoo was anticipating Haeun's answer. "do nothing,"  Haeun said. 

"I am gonna leave him as he did," Haeun said. Before Seungwoo would say anything Haeun fell asleep. 

"Haeun-ah I am really sorry" Seungwoo whispered then he picked up Haeun bridal style and took her to her room.  When he was about to leave Haeun suddenly got up and hugged him. 

"Promise me you won't leave," Haeun said and Seungwoo could see that her cheeks were slightly pink.

"I am sorry I left you before but from now on I will never leave your side promise" Seungwoo whispered.

(Next day)

Haeun woke up and saw that it was already 10:30. Seeing that HAeun panicked and ran out to the living room. "Seungwoo-ssi   I am really sorry i overslept today," Haeun said apologizing.

"Ani it's ok my mom send her to school and she would be here after school" Seungwoo replied but haeun could see something was up with him.

"Seungwoo-ssi are you ok? Is something bothering you?" Haeun asked  Seungwoo was amazed at how easily Haeun could read his face. No one ever did.

Before Seungwoo could speak the main door suddenly opened reviling no other than moon Jieun.  When Jieun saw Haeun  her once a  cherry face darkened

"Sorry Mr. Han I tried to stop her,"  One of the maids said

"It's ok go," Seungwoo said and the maid quickly left.

"Oppa what is she doing here?" Jieun asked pointing towards Haeun.

"Jieun-ah I believe  I don't need to update you about my girlfriend" Seungwoo replied giving  Jieun a cold look.

"Oppa it's a lie, right? You are not dating this bitch" Jieun said  

"MOON JIEUN  THAT'S ENOUGH " Seungwoo shouted which made both Jieun and Haeun flinch but Jieun pretended she was calm

"Then prove it to me" Jieun said

Seungwoo without anywords went towards HAeun and pulled her in a kiss 

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