part 2

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Haeun was working at a  place which was famous for  it's tonkatsu. Haeun has been working nonstop  from morning. So  Haeun took a little bit break so when she went over the counter  she saw that a man was struggling to tidying  himself up as he had a little girl with him.

"If you want i can keep this little one accompanied while you go and clean yourself" Haeun suggested and honestly Seungwoo wasn't sure if he could trust a in stranger.

"What I won't eat your sister up" Haeun said laughing.

"That's my daughter" Seungwoo corrected and Haeun was shocked how young he looked.

"Appa mian" Sieun said apologetically.Sieun was still enjoying her Tonkatsu and wanted to eat more.

"No it's ok baby." Seungwoo said smiling

"So it looks like your kid wants to finish her tonkatsu. So here here is my id card   you take that with you and return it when you return" Haeun suggested.

Seungwoo wasn't sure if he should go or not but took the id and went to the bathroom.

"Pretty unnie what's  your name?" Sieun asked.

"I am Moon Haeun. What's your name?" Haeun asked. Haeun found Sieun so cute. Before that Haeun used to work in a  kintergarden.

"Unnie I am Han Sieun" Sieun said

" What happened to your head?" Haeun asked after she noticed the Bandage on Sieun's head.

" Today while coming back from school Ajumma was taking care  of Dongju only and i got left behind . So i was hurrying up to catch with her and then i fell and got hurt" Sieun said

'poor little soul.'  Haeun thought.

"But i am a big girl so i am ok." Sieun said and looked proud.

As they were talking Seungwoo came back and thanked Haeun.

"Appa pretty unnie is really good.  She and i talked a lot " Sieun said and suddenly hugged Haeun.

Seungwoo was shocked to see his daughter getting close to some strangers. Sieun wasn't that fond of strangers so it was a little bit shock to Seungwoo.

" Sieun-ah come back whenever you like ok. Next time if i get chance i  will treat you to tonkatsu ok? Haeun said hugging back the kid.

"Thank you again." Seungwoo said.

" Anio kwenchanayeo." Haeun said and seungwoo and sieun walked off after paying.

"Haeun-ssi i have something to talk to you" Haeun heard the Maneger-nim saying.

"Ne" Haeun said and went near the Maneger.

" Someone reported  your behaviour. And unfortunately sajangnim has decided to fire you" maneger said

Haeun sighed. It must have been those bastard who Haeun was talking  order of the previous day.


Haeun was talking order of some guys when when of them decided to grab her ass. When Haeun realised that she threw the sauce on his eyes.

"Yo- you have no manners why did you do that to me. I will complain to the sajangnim" that dude shouted.

(End of flashback)

Haeun sighed. " But what did i do?" Haeun said. Haeun was in real need of money so loosing job wasn't good for her.

"I am sorry Haeun-ssi" the manegernim said and walked away.

After biding goodbyes to all of her Friends Haeun went to her tiny apartment. She now has to think how to make money. She sure have some deposit but she needs to find a job soon.

Her doorbell rang and she went to look and  saw that it was her cousin lim Sejun Sejun was the only one who supports Haeun.

"You got fired why?" Sejun asked after Haeun told him what happened. Sejun could easily offer some money to Haeun but Haeun wouldn't take money without working.
"I really don't know maybe because i put sauce on a face of a customer who was touching my ass" Haeun said and now Sejun was angered.

" You did well my deongseng." Sejun said patting Haeun's head

"Well if you want a job i can help you with that" Sejun said

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