part 49

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Haeun was shocked by the sudden confession. Was she so tired that she was hearing things? Or she was having hallucinations about Seungwoo.

Seungwoo cane running towards Haeun and stood face to face.

"Moon Haeun I like you. The way you play with Sieun. The way you worry about Sieun like she is your own. The way you worry about others. I like all of you. So please don't date Hongseok. I mean if you want to reject ne that's fine but-" Seungwoo continued. Seungwoo doesn't know why he was this nervous.

Jiae confessed to Seungwoo first for both marriage and dating so Seungwoo wasn't sure how to confess. He now salutes Jiae for confessing

'what is he talking about?' Haeun thought. Haeun would lie if she said she didn't like Seungwoo. She did but she was now uncertain of what was happening.

" Seungwoo-ssi I-i like you too," Haeun said.

"Ok, you don- wait what did you say?" Seungwoo was beyond happy when he heard Haeun's answer.

"I like you too," Haeun said and Seungwoo pulled Haeun for a hug.

(Time skip)

Haeun and Seungwoo were now sitting in a cafe. "So from today, it is our day one," Seungwoo said taking Haeun's hand in his.

"Where is Sieun" Haeun asked ruining the mood.

"Sieun is with subin," Seungwoo said then Seungwoo again was about to say something but Haeun's phone ranged.

"Eo oppa. Ah, I am coming thanks" haeun said and ended the call.

Haeun looked at Seungwoo and saw that he looked grumpy.

"Now why don't you call me Oppa? like before" Seungwoo said.

And Haeun understood he was getting jealous. ' he looks so cute while he's jealous Haeun thought

"You always call Hongseok oppa but what about me?" Seungwoo said.

"I don't like him, i like you though" Haeun said and stood up.

Before going haeun kissed Seungwoo's check and ran off

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