Part 41

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Before Haeun could even utter a word Miseoo went on ad Hugged Haeun "My baby, My baby girl i thought you died the day you were born" Miseo said and Haeun was shocked.

Haeun wasn't understanding what was happening. "Ajumma what happened?" Haeun asked. Haeun was so confused by all this so she looked at Sejun who was as confused as she was

"Haeun-ah you are my daughter," Miseoo said and Haeun's mouth fell "Ne what are you saying," Haeun asked although she knew  Jangmi wasn't her real mother


"Your father cheated on me with Jangmi. When I found out I was pregnant with you Jangmi was already pregnant. later when I asked your father, to choose he choose Jangmi and we divorced" Miseoo said. 

"Then you were born but they told me you were born dead" Miseoo said whipping down tears that were slipping down.

"Haeun-ah believe me I blamed myself every day for this. I thought it was my fault that you were dead. so the previous week after you left my home eomonim called and told me that you were alive"

"Kamsamida  eomonim because of you I could reunite with my daughter"  Miseoo cried hugging  Her

Sejun in the meantime got a call from Seugwoo so  he came outside to pick up the call

"hyung wae?" Sejun asked

"sejun-ah do you know where is Haeun?"Seungwoo asked earning a chuckle

"Wae hyung you fired her remember?" Sejun asked 

"Sejun-ah please tell me I really really am sorry," Seungwoo said

"hyung she is going through some shits right now and i don't want her to get more sad" Sejun said.

"Jun-ah but- hyung I am sorry. Give her some time" Sejun said and ended the call.

Sejun went inside and saw that Haeun was not there in the living room. "Sejun-ah" Miseoo said gaining Sejun's attention. They were all close to each other's parents as they often use dot stay at each other's homes.

" Ne imo Sejun said "Thank you for taking care of my baby girl as your own sister," Miseoo said 

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