Part 30

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Seungwoo Sieun and Haeun were now on the way to Lotte World. Sieun was so excited that it made Haeun giggle. Haeun remembered the time when Taeil and Haeun came here once. Ahe was just as excited as Sieun.

"Mr. Han, we are here" The driver announced "Can you please buy us tickets?" Seungwoo asked and the driver nodded. Seungwoo doesn't like to go to places where there are many people are gathering together.

After a while, the driver came back with their tickets. "Sieun-ah let's go!" haeun said and picked Sieun up.


Sejun and Deokhee were now sitting in a cafe. "What was that?" Sejun asked, "Oppa I told you not to interfere so why did you interfere?" Deokhee asked. and Sejun sighed. "So do I only watch when he was being rude? and Deokhee-ah I am sorry about earlier" Sejun said and now it was Deokhee's turn to sigh. "My father lost money in gambling so he did some illegal stuff to earn money. But they let my dad get arrested and they themself got away" Deokhee said

"And since then they are bothering you?" Sejun asked and Deokhee nodded. 'My mom found out she has a tumor in her stomach and we gave all the money to them so I had to do that." Deokhee said.

"how much money do they need," Sejun said and Deokhee nodded her head saying no. "Oppa why would you pay them?" Deokhee asked. "You are the same as Haeun for me Deokhee-ah if Haeun was in danger like this I would have helped her too"

"Oppa please I don't want to drag you in this too," Deokhee said and Sejun sighed. "Ok then let me drop you home," Sejun said

Sejun and Deokhee went to her home but eas shocked to see the same man standing outside of her home.

"They are here ottoke" Deokhee panicked. "What about your mom do they know where she is?" Sejun asked. and Deokhee panicked more.

Sejun and Deokhee rushed to the hospital where Deokhee's mom was and Deokhee was relieved that they weren't here.

"Oh, Deokhee-ah is that you?" Deokhee's mom asked. "Ah ne eomma Deokhee said

"EO you have someone with you won't you introduce him?" Deokhee's mom asked. "Ah eomma he is lim sejun. Haeun's cousin" Deokhee said. "ANnyeonghasayo I am lim Sejun." Sejun said. "Why are you guys here," Deokhee's mother asked and Deojhee looked at Sejun. "Eo eomma Sejun Oppa wanted to meet you when i told him you were in the hospital," Depkhee said and Sejun nodded

"Emoni I am sorry I came here empty-handed but next time i promise i would bring you something. Eoimoni what do you like? If you say so i would buy for you next time" Sejun said

"It's ok you don't need to buy me anything. Just take care of my daughter." Deokhee's mother said "Ne ofcourse eomoni" Sejun siad.

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