Part 35

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Haeun looked at the person who called her and was shocked to see Yang Hongseok. he was the only one who was with her when they moved. But he had to go abroad to study.

Hongseok was a senior at Haeun's new high school. At first, he took interest in Haeun because she didn't have friends like himself. Hongseok was a looner too. He was approached by everyone because he had wealth but no one was his real friend until he met Haeun.

Although Haeun was his junior Haeun used to spend time with her for him, not for his money. Of course, he tried to test Haeun. So every time he would buy expensive gifts for Haeun but Haeun would always reject his gifts. That's when he understood how different Haeun was from others. but unfortunately, he had to go abroad once he graduated. He tried to call Haeun many times but she never picked up.

"Hongseok Oppa?" Haeun asked disbelieved.

"Ya Moon Haeun do you know how many times I tried to call you. But you left me completely in the dark" Hongseok said Hongseok should be mad at Haeun but he wasn't able to get mad at her because he missed her a lot. Haeun honestly missed Hongseok too but she had to do that not to hinder his life.

"Mr. Yang it's time to go," One of the people said gaining Honseok's attention.

"Ya wait here until I finish ok," Hongseok said and Haeun nodded.

Then Haeun went to the receptionist to ask about Seungwoo. and she called his secretary who told her Haeun could enter the meeting room.

"Miss Moon you can enter," The receptionist said

Haeun entered the room. "Haeun-ah what are you doing here?" Haeun heard someone saying when she looked back it was Hongseok. "Hongseok Oppa? What are you doing here?" Haeun asked pointing at the latter. Everyone gasped at the girl who was talking casually to one of the most feared businessmen.

Meanwhile, Seungwoo was watching those two and felt something in his heart. 'Oppa she calls him oppa?' Seungwoo thought.

"Seungwoo-ssi here," Haeun said but Seungwoo still started at her.

"Seungwoo-ssi?" Haeun said breaking Seungwoo from his thought.

"Ah thanks, Haeun," Seuingwoo said and Haeun went outside.

(Time skip)

Haeun was now was at the lobby for Hongeok as she felt bad for ghosting him over the years. She was mad at Seungwoo for doing it but she did the same with Hongseok

"Haeun-ah" Haeun heard Hongseok. Without any word, Hongseok went on and hugged Haeun. Haeun was surprised by the sudden skinship but hugged him back.

Everyone was murmuring due to the rare sight. Yang Hongseok, The Ceo of the Yang industries was fared by many people he was cold as ice to the girls. Many pretty girls tried to flirt with him but he shut them all. Some also thought he was gay. so everyone was shocked by his sudden attitude

"Mr. Yang" Hongseok pulled away from Haeun as he heard someone calling for him

"Ah ne Mr. Han," Hongseok said smiling and Haeun could see Seungwoo's expression somewhat darkened. This was the first time Haeun saw Seungwoo like this

"Since we just signed the contract let's celebrate," Seungwoo said.

"You two enjoy I have to- only if Haeun joins us," Hongseok said cutting Haeun and Seungwoo's eyes widened. Although Seungwoo was not liking what was happening, The contract with Hongseok's company was really Important. and Seungwoo couldn't blow that up due to his personal feelings. His employees worked very hard for it.

"Sure," Seungwoo said

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