Part 12

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It was the night of the same day. After finishing their lunch all of them came back home. Seungwoo still couldn't tell Haeun the truth. Seungwoo was in a meeting through the video call. and after a  while, the meeting was over. Seungwoo was about to get some water from the kitchen when he heard noises  coming from Haeun's room 

Seungwoo went to her room and saw that she was sleep talking. "Please don't leave me," Haeun said in her sleep Seungwoo could see a tear sliding down Haeun's cheek. "Haeun-ssi" Seungwoo called Haeun but Haeun was still sobbing. "Haeun-ah i am here" Seungwoo cooed slowly. Suddenly Haeun wrapped her arms aroundSeungwoo's neck and hugged him tightly. "Please don't  go" Haeun mumbled

"I am here now go back to sleep" Seungwoo whispered. Seungwoo looked over to Haeun's face. it still had the scratch from their childhood which she got due to Seungwoo. Seugnwoo chuckled remembering the sudden memory. 'Haeun-ah I am really sorry I couldn't be there for you' Seungwoo mumbled then he removed a strand of hair from Haeun's face.   he snapped himself from his own thoughts before even thinking something and sighed. 'what am i even doing' Seungwoo said and went out of Haeun's room.

(Time skip)

Today was Monday which means Haeun had her University. Since Sieun stays at her kintergarden for most of the time Haeun's in university it wasn't that much of a problem for them to match their schedules.

Haeun woke up at  8 am and went to Sieun's room to wake her up. "Sieun-ah baby wake up." Haeun whispered quietly and Sieun woke up at once. "Let's go and brush our teeth ok?" Haeun asked and Sieun nodded. Then Haeun made Sieun brush her teeth and come back to her room. Haeun took out some of Sieun's dresses"Which one do you want to wear sieun-ah?" Haeun asked and Sieun picked one of the dresses."Unnie this one" Sieun said and haeun nodded Haeun then put that dress on Sieun and then both of them went to the dining table hand in hand.

Seungwoo was reading news paper when he heard sieun's little voice chattering with Haeun.  Seungwoo went on and huge dSieun and picked her up. "Good morning my baby how was your sleep?" Seungwoo asked "It' was good appa" sieun replied.

Haeun Sieun and Seungwoo ate breakfast after eating breakfast Sieun had to go to her kintergarden. "Bye-bye unnie bye-bye appa," Sieun said and went with the driver.

"Haeun-ssi  When will you go to Your University?' Seungwoo asked. "Around 9;30. Waeyo?" Haeun asked 

"Let me drop you Seuungwoo said which shocked HAeun

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