Part 13

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"Ya, what was that?" Deokhee asked as soon as she saw Haeun 

"What was what?" haeun asked. "Why did Han Seung-woo drop you off," Deokhee asked "He had works nearby so he dropped me off," Haeun said, "He likes you,"Deokhee said and Haeun made face.

"What no way Deokhee-ya," Haeun said. "Whatever you say by the way Haeun-ah i won't be doing class today," Deokhee said, "Why?" Haeun replied."My mom is  having her operation today" Deoinkhee replied and Haeun nodded."Ya  call me after aunty's operation is done ok" Haeun said as Deokhee began to walk away

'I guess I have to do the class alone' Haeun thought and went to her class.

As the class was starting Haeun felt someone sitting beside her. she paid no attention to the boy until he decided to  introduce himself

"Anneyong  I am Donghan," The boy said introducing himself Haeun just looked at the boy and then introduced herself. After a while, they became good friends as Donghan was very social.

Their teacher gave them group assignments. so Haeun and Donghan decided to be partners.  and their class ended. "Haeun-ah let's go it's my treat," Donghan said. Although Donghan was younger than Haeun, Donghan spoke informally to Haeun at which AHeun rolled her eyes. "Ya, what about Nuna?" Haeun asked and Donghan laughed. "ani I won't call you Nuna." Donghan said 


Seungwoo was at his office doing works. Without knowing a smile crept up on his face. "Hyung you ok?" Asked  Chan. Chan was one of his juniors in University alongside Seungsik and he met him through Seungsik and later became  good friends

"Nowadays Hyung is smiling himself which is rare," Seungsik said.  and Chan nodded 

"By the way hyung I needed you to approve this for my team," Chan said and handed Seungwoo a paper and Seungwoo took it. Chan was a team leader of one of the teams.

"Hyung where is Sejun I haven't seen him in a while," Chan asked

"He's out of the town," Seungwoo said 

"And hyung   Byungchan, Hanse, and Subin wanted to meet Sieun. They said they haven't met for a long time" Seungsik said suddenly remembering.

"Tell them to come home. I miss them too" Seungwoo said while he looked at the papers before him.

"Hyung let's go and have lunch it's already lunchtime," Chan said

"Eo you go I will finish this and come," Seungwoo said.

"Ani I know you would skip lunch and if you do so you will get sick" Chan said and Seungsik nodded

Seungwoo later gave up and went with the guys. When he went inside the restaurant that Chan choose he saw a familiar figure laughing with a man. When he took a closer look he saw that it was Haeun

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