part 58

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It was after a few day today was the day sunghoon along with his grandmother would left for their home.

Sunghoon and Sieun became more close and Haeun and Seungwoo became alose with his grandmother.

"You can call us anytime and consider us as your family" Seungwoo said and the women hugged her.

"Really really thank you for taking care of us" the woman said . Seungwoo then looked at Sieun a d saw that she was sulking.

"Baby won't you say bye to Sunghoon?" Haeun asked.

"Unnie , appa I don't want Sunghoon to go" Sieun said almost crying.

"Oh my baby" Seungwoo said and carried Sieun

"We can visit Sunghoon whenever we want. Ask halmoni" Seungwoo said and Sieun looked at the women

"Ofcourse you are always welcome. Whenever you want to come you can come" the woman said.

"Annyeong Sunghoon-ah" Sieun said from Seungwoo's arms.

"Annyeong" Sunghoon said and the women alongside Sunghoon left.


Seungwoo was in his office when a knock was heard in his office.

"Come in" Seungwoo said and saw that Hongseok came on panting.

"Mr Yang are you ok?" Seungwoo asked.

"Haeun" Hongseok said still panting

"Haeun is in danger" Hongseok said

"Mwo?" Seungwoo could not believe what he was hearing.

" It's Moon Jieun" Hongseok said.


Hongseok was in a meeting in a restaurant. After finishing the meeting Hongseok was about to leave but he was stopped by Jieun.

"I know your heart was broken by Haeun" Jieun said. At first Hongseok couldn't understand where this talk was going.

"Mine was broken by the man i have loved all my life." Jieun said

"Let's get revenge on them." Jieun said

(End of flashback)

"I agreed because i wanted to know her plan and it seems that she would involve Sieun in it" Hongseok said and Seungwoo's eyes grew wide.

"Jieun would contact me when things are done i will keep in contact." Hongseok said

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