Part 28

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"Haeun-ah I. Did you know it was me?" Haeun asked cutting seungwoo off. "Don't lie please" Haeun said and Seungwoo could see tears in her eyes. Seungwoo nodded his head. " can you please drop me here. I will go pick up Sieun once her classes are over"Haeun-ah" Seungwoo said trying to stop Haeun "Please don't" Haeun said and Seungwoo knew it was better not to talk to her so instead he told her that he would drop her in front of her house.

Seungwoo wanted to clear everything and wanted to apologize for not finding her but Seungwoo Knew Haeun was angry so he dropped her home.

Haeun's door rang as soon as she closed it she groaned and opened it and saw that it was Sejun. "Jun-ah" Haeun went and hugged Sejun tightly. Sejun was shocked by the sudden hug but he knew something was wrong so he let her hug him.

"Mwo Imo told you that?" Sejun asked. He knew his imo wasn't of any good but this was ..... Sejun doesn't know what to do. Even if it's true Sejun would always love Haeun as his sister. "And Jieun knows Seungwoo hyung?" Sejun asked and Haeun nodded.

Then haeun told everything that happened. "I am sure Seungwoo young is not pitying you," Sejun said. "He has fallen for you" Sejun again said

Sejun and haeun talked for a while when her bell rang. when she went to open it she saw it was Deokhee. "Sejun was alerted to see Deokhee there. Sejun knew Deokheee because of haeun and Deokhee?? She had a huge crush on Sejun she even calls Him Oppa.

"Sejun Oppa," Deokhee said smiling. "What are you doing here," Sejun said "I- did you come to steal again," Sejun said and Deokhee's smile fade. "Jun-ah!"Haeun tried to make him stop. "She had her reasons Jun-ah," Haeun said defending Deokhee. "Tell me what reasons does she have to steal money from you. No matter what she could've asked we could have helped her" Sejun said. Tears were now skipping through Deokhee's eyes. "Deokhee took a deep breath and handed you an envelop. "Sejun Oppa is right Haeun-ah. here take this" Deokhee said."Then i will take my leave" Deokhee said and went out of the house.

"You stupid She r said she would return me the money. And it was for her mom" Haeun said

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