Part 40

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Seungwoo went back to Sunhwa's office. When Sunhwa's secretary told her that Seungwooo came she was shocked because her brother never comes to visit her nowadays.

"Seungwoo-ya are- Nuna I messed up," Seungwoo said and hugged his Nuna. It was rare for Seungwoo to hug Sunhwa.

"Wae what happened?" Sunhwa asked and Seungwoo broke the hug. Now she was getting worried about her brother.

Seungwoo told everything that happened to Sunhwa.

"I shouldn't have done that Nuna. I  don't know what took over me" Seungwoo said

"Nuna I don't like seeing Haeun and Hongseok together. I know I should be faithful to Jiae. But" Seungwoo said and Sunhwa shook her head

"Aniya  Seungwoo. Jiae would have liked that too. Jiae would not want you to get hurt either and she would like you to move on." Sunhwa said

"As far as I know Haeun, you should be sincere with her and you know maybe confess" Sunhwa suggested.

"I messed up Nuna I have hurt her in the past too. Now i have hurt her again." Seungwoo said.

"You know Seungwoo if it was me I would love to have a sincere apology. Maybe Haeun wants the same thing" Sunhwa said

"She isn't home," Seungwoo said

"Isn't she Sejun's cousin? Try calling him." Sunhwa said


Haeun was now going to her halmoni's house with Sejun Via train. She was worried about what she would say. Her halmoni lives in Iksan alone. She wanted her Halmoni to live with her but she refused saying that she had a lot of friends there.

Now that she doesn't have work she thought she would have a little holiday until graduation. Yes, she would graduate next month.

 Now that she knows her family wasn't her own well the person she thought her mother wasn't her own. She only had her halmoni left. She was so mad at her father that she didn't even visit him During his birthday. Haeun was used to bottling up her feelings so it was nothing new to her.

"Haeun-ah we are here," Sejun said which broke Haeun's thought. "Khaja Jun-ah," Haeun said and Sejun carried both of their bags.

After  30 minutes both cousins  reached their  Halmoni's house 

"Haeun-ah" Their grandmother  hugged Haeun

"Halmoni don't you see me?" Sejun asked and pouted

"Ofcourse I do, Come here,"  halmoni said and hugged Sejun

"Now come inside kids,"halmoni said and

"Halmoni what do you want to say?" Haeun asked once they were settled inside.

"Ah someone wanted to meet you they will be here go and freshen up," Halmoni said.

"Sejun you too" Halmoni sai and Both Sejun and Haeun went to freshen up

(Time skip)

Haeun and Sejun were now sitting in the living room after they were done freshening up. then the bell rang and Haeun's halmoni went to open the door.

"Miseoo-ah you are here" Haeun could hear Halmoni talk.

"Eomonim is she in here?" That woman named Misoo said nearly crying and Haeun was shocked when she came to the living room.

It was Subin's mom.

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