Part 59

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Haeun was working when she got a message from an unknown number. she opened the message and widened her eyes in horror. 'Someone is playing prank right it can't be true' Haeun thought.

in the video, Sieun was tied up in a chair. and was crying. Haeun decided to go to Sieun's school.

"Suwon-ssi" Haeun called out her coworker and told her what happened "Ok you go i will take care of the store" Haeun's coworker said.

"What do you mean someone took her?" Haeun asked the teacher once she arrived.

"Ah she told is she was her aunt. Even showed us you guys's picture." Sieun's teacher said

"Picture?" Haeun asked.

"Yes. It was with you and that girl" Sieun's teacher said.

'Moon Jieun' Haeun thought

"Ah ok i might not know that my sister took her" Haeun lied.

Haeun doesn't want to involve the police as that might put Sieun in danger and she knows that the teacher will inform the police.

Then haeun got a call and some unknown people told her to meet her somewhere.

Haeun went to that place and found that it was an old building.

Haeun got a text saying she needed to go to room number 24. When Haeun went into that room everything went blurry.


Haeun woke up when someone poured a bucket of water on her.

"Well well look who is awake" Haeun heard someone saying.

When her Vision became clear she saw it was Jieun.


"This bitch has the authority to shout at me" Jieun said and slapped Haeun on the face.

"I still don't understand what Seungwoo oppa sees in you" Jieun said and puched Haeun on her stomach.

"Where are your little minnions? Um
What was their name? Lim Sejun, Son Deokhee? You pathetic little bitch. You can't do anything. All you do is gain others sympathy and make them do your work." Jieun said . Tears were now flowing from Haeun's eyes.

"Sejun oopa is my cousin!" Jieun growled and slapped Haeun.

"And Seungwoo oppa is mine" Jieun said and kicked Haeun snd Haeun's chair fell off.

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