Part 37

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"Oh Sejun-ah" Hongseok said. Sejun kept in touch with Hongseok even after he went abroad.

"Hyung you finally met her?" Sejun asked chuckling. "Ya, what do you mean by finally?" Haeun asked not understanding what Sejun meant.

"Hyung and i kept in touch. And whenever we talked he used to ask about you" Sejun said and Hongseok looked away.

"Ya by the way won't you invite us in or we will just talk here
Sejun asked

"Oh mian come in Oppa," Haeun said as she unlocked her door

"And me?" Sejun asked pointing to himself

"Ya since when do you need permission to come in?" Haeun asked


"Hyung isn't that Yang Hongseok?"Chan Who was at Seungwoo's office during lunchtime asked. It was a picture at Haeun's house uploaded by Sejun.

"Why was he in Haeun's hose? And they look close" Chan said.

"I don't know. " Seungwoo said while his eyes were fixed on his work

"Hyung how about we go on a picnic," Chan suddenly said and Seungwoo looked up at him

"Wae. We have worked hard it would be just us. And we got the deal. Don't you think we deserve a holiday?" Chan asked and Seungwoo sighed. Chan was about to say something but a knock was heard. Both Seungwoo andChan looked up and saw that it was Seungsik

"What are you guys talking about?" Seungsik asked

"Ani I was asking hyung if we could have a picnic," Chan said.

"What about camping for a day?" Seungsik asked,

"hyung what do you say?" Seungsik asked Chan

"Eo sure I think it will be good too." Seungwoo finally said looking away from what he was doing.

(time skip)

today was the day they would go camping. Haeun was getting Sieun ready. Ever since that day Seungwoo didn't know why but he was avoiding Haeun. Was he hurt? Yes, he was kinda hurt. He thought he knew Haeun well but he guess he didn't

"Appa!" Sieun ran up to seungwoo and hugged him. "uncle subin is here Can I go with him?" Sieun asked

"Eo ofcourse," Seungwoo said and Sieun ran off excitedly leaving Seungwoo and Haeun.

"Seungwoo-ssi" Haeun was about to talk to him but someone called her. When she looked back she was shocked to see Deokhee.

"Ya Son Deokhee what are you doing here?"Haeun asked.

"Sejun Oppa bought me here," Deokhee said

Sejun? The last time Haeun checked they weren't on good terms. Maybe they got along now.

"Ok Ok guys let's go," Seungsik said coming.

The car arrangements:

Car 1: Chan (Driving), Subin, Sieun, Byungchan.

Car 2: Seungsik (Driving) ,Sejun, Hanse, Deokhee

Car 3: Seungwoo(Driving), Haeun

Seungwoo and Haeun were alone in the car. Seungwoo doesn't know what to say. "Seungwoo-ssi," Haeun said and sighed."We agreed to be on good terms right?" Haeun asked and Seungwoo just hummed. "I thought i knew you well Haeun-ah," Seungwoo said and sighed.

" Wait so you are hooked up on what Hongseok Oppa said?" Haeun asked.' There she goes calling Hongseok Oppa.' Seungwoo thought


"I guess Mr. Han doesn't know about Haeun that much" Hongseok said chuckling

End of flashback

"Seungwoo-ssi even though we were together all the time you can't know everything about me," Haeun said

"Then what about that Hongseok?" Seungwoo asked looking directly at Haeun's eyes. Since there was traffic they weren't able to move and it was easier for Seungwoo to look into Haeun's eyes.

Haeun couldn't believe the reason they were fighting. Was he jealous? He doesn't have the right to get jealous.

"Why do you even care. You are not even my boyfriend" Haeun said now getting a little irritated."You dated the person you loved and had a child together." Haeun said

"I waited for you every day. I thought you would come to find me but you didn't. I get it. I get it it was hard for you too. So I decided to forgive you. But now you are being childish " Haeun said tears Skipping down her eyes.

Seeing Haeun cry, Seungwoo wanted to wipe her tears. She was right he doesn't have the right to get jealous. But he himself doesn't know why he is feeling this way. He doesn't want to move on from Jiae but his heart tells him something else. Seungwoo looked at Haeun and saw that she had AirPods on. So he decided to give her some time

After some time they reached the camping site।

"Appa!" SIeun got out of the car and ran up to Seungwoo and Seungwoo picked her up.

Deohee who noticed Haeun went near her and asked her if she was ok

"I am fine Deohee-ah" Haeun said.

"Haeun-ah" Haeun heard someone calling her. When she looked it was hongseok

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