Part 32

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"Chan-ssi Byungchan-ah Hanse-ya What are you doing here? And what happened to him" Haeun said pointing towards Seungwoo. "Haeun-ah I am sorry to bring him here this late but we had some drinks and now he is drunk and I don't want to leave hyung alone at his home, And he didn't want to go to any of our houses," Chan said and Haeun sighed.

"Arraso come in," Haeun said letting them come in. Then Chan out Seungwoo on the living room. "Haeun-ah we will go now," Chan said. "Wait what you are living?" Haeun asked. One of Haeun's weaknesses was Haeun used to run away from her problem and now was one of the times Haeun wanted to run away

"Haeun-ah if we stay here you won't be able to sleep because those two are also drunk" Chan said and pointed towards hanse and Byungchan who were hugging themself.

"It's ok I don't need to sleep," Haeun said a which earned a chuckle from Chan. " I think you would need sleep don't you have class tomorrow?" Chan asked chuckling. Crap Haeun had forgotten that tomorrow was Monday.

"Yaa where are you going?" Seungwoo asked as he was about to get up he fell on the couch. Chan mouthed sorry to Haeun and went outside taking Byungchan and Hanse with him.

'Seungwoo-ssi" Haeun called but Seungwoo was silent. Seungwoo somehow managed to stand and hug Haeun

"Haeun-ah I am sorry," Seungwoo said and honestly it would be a lie if Haeun says her heart didn't beat.

"Seung-" Haeun was about to say but Seungwoo made her face him.

"Haeun-ah Can I do something?" Seungwoo asked. Before Haeun could even say anything Seungwoo kissed her. After kissing Haeun Seungwoo fell asleep.

'What the hell just happen?' Haeun said and touched her lips. Haeun's heart was beating so fast that she thought it would leap out of its place.

(Time skip)

Seungwoo woke up with a headache. he wasn't familiar with his surrounding. Then he saw someone in the kitchen. When he looked at the kitchen he was surprised to see Haeun. 'Wait what I am in Haeun's house. What the hell happened?' Seungwoo thought. Seungwoo was a usually heavy drinker. so it was rare for him to blackout completely

"Oh, Seungwoo-ssi you are awake?" Haeun asked which made Seungwoo shocked. "Eo." "Come have breakfast," Haeun said

Seungwoo was shocked by haeun's sudden change.

Meanwhile, Haeun was freeing out. What would she do if Seungwoo remembers it? 'It was his fault" Haeun thought.

Then Seungwoo came over to eat breakfast as Haeun told him to.

"I will go now," Seungwoo said "Eo go safely," HAeun said and Seungwoo left.

After that Haeun went on and did her usual routine and went to her University.

"Ya Moon Haeun" Haeun heard Sejun. "Ya jun-ah - wait what are you doing here with deokhee?" Haeun asked "Nothing I just found her on the street and wanted to give her a ride. I have work nearby" Sejun said. Deokhee didn't want to worry Haeun so she told Sejun to lie about it

"Arraso now leave," Haeun said and Sejun laughed. "Aiggo I was going to leave anyway," Sejun said Before Sejun could leave Haeun took Deokhee's hand and left for class

"Today we some people will come from a famous company to give speeches," Donghan said coming.

"Really that's great." Both Haeun and Deokhee said at the same time. Deokhee and Dongha apparently were friends even before Haeun so they were close

HAeun really wanted to join a marketing team of a famous company. and this could help her a lot.

"DO you know who's coming?" Haeun asked

"No i don't well let's go we should get the first seats," Donghan said

Then three of them reached the lecture hall and got seated. and Gradually the students started to fill the hall.

"Guys as you know today we will have some special people to join us. Please welcome Mr. Han Seungwoo" The lecturer said

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