part 39

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Haeun was so hurt that she ran off to somewhere she also doesn't know. She never did her work light and Sieun was with Jiwon. 'What does he expects me to do?' Haeun thought.

"Haeun-ah stop where are you going?" Haeun heard Hongseok.

"Oppa I never took my work lightly," Haeun said

"I know Haeun-ah. Let's go and drink some boba." Hongseok said,

"where is Wooju?" Haeun asked sniffing. Hongseok couldn't believe how Haeun could worry about others when she herself was hurting.

"Jihoo was nearby so I asked her to pick up Wooju," Hongseok said

"Oppa I am sorry because of me your time with Wooju was ruined," Haeun said

" Why are you saying sorry I don't know from where Mr. Han got the idea that you were flirting with me'Honseok said Hongseok wanted to punch sSeunbwoo for hurting the girl he likes twice. He knows Seungwoo was the guy that had hurt Haeun after she moved here.

"Oppa why does it always happens to me?" Haeun cried. Haeun doesn't know why she was crying. She has been fired before too.

The seungwoo she knew wouldn't hurt hee. So she guesses she doesn't  know him that well too


"You messed up Han Seungwoo" Jiwon said  Jiwon was holding Sieun who was asleep in her arms.

"How can you just say that without finding  Sieun first" Jiwon whisper yelled as she doesn't want Sieun to wake up.

Seungwoo also knew he messed up. He knew it the moment he saw tears in her eyes

"I am taking Sieun with me. You should chase her and apologies" Jiwon said

Seungwoo ran off to where Haeun went but couldn't find Haeun anywhere. He went to her home but she wasn't there.

'Moon Haeun where are you' seungwoo thought.


Haeun was now feeling a little bit better and was sleeping in Hongseok's car. 

Hongseok has called Sejun and told him that he had found Haeun. Sejun told him to bring her to his home.

Hongseok was now looking at sleeping Haeun who looked so beautiful in his eyes.

"Why are you hurting by him again" Hongseok mumbled

Haeun who was sleeping opened her eyes to an unfamiliar place.

"Haeun-ah are you ok?" Hongseok asked.

"Hm," Haeun replied.

"Sejun told me to bring you to his house," Hongseok said and Haeun nodded.

Then Hongseok took Haeun to Sejun 's house and as soon as Sejun opened his door Haeun was hugged by Deokhee.

"Ya Moon Haeun are you ok?" Deokhee asked

"Ani what's his problem? His daughter was with his friend" Deokhee said.

"Deokhee-ah it's ok," Haeun said.

Then Sejun's phone rang and he went to take that call.

After a few minutes, Sejun came back putting the phone away.

"Haeun-ah" Sejun called Haeun and Haeun looked at Sejun

"Halmomi called," Sejun said and Haeun's face fell. Halmomi who was Haeun's paternal grandmother loved Haeun very much and she loved her too. But recently she got sick  so she couldn't visit her as before

"What did she say?" Deokhee asked.

"Well she wants to  see Haeun," Sejun said

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