Part 61

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Seungwoo came in hiding where Hongseok told him to come "I will go and distract the guards. You take Sieun out" Hongseok said and Seungwoo nodded

Hongseok came out and saw that the man was about to enter the room when Hongseok stopped the man.

"Jieun wants you to come with me," Hongseok said and the man nodded After hongseok took him somewhere further hongseok knocked the man out with a single punch.

Then Hongseok went to jieun and saw that Seungwoo already freed Haeun but Jieun was pointing a gun at Haeun. Seungwoo and Haeun's back was facing Jieun so they weren't seeingJieun.

"Haeun-ah!" It was so fast that Hseun didn't get to process what happened. Hongseok was lying on the ground blood coming out of his stomach.

"aishh! I shouldn't have trusted that dude" Jieun cursed and again was about to shoot Haeun but this time Seungwoo came between them

"Seungwoo Oppa I didn't mean to shoot you I-I just wanted that bitch to die. Ya Moon Haeun look what you did" Jieun shouted. Jieun was about to shoot haeun too but then the police came

"Someone please help!" Haeun yelled tears slipping down her eyes

"Moon Jieun you are under arrest for kidnapping Moon Haeun and Han sieun" In tome police came

"No no, I didn't do anything" Jieun yelled and was trying to get out of the inspector's hand and after some time she successfully she escaped

"Go catch her" One of the inspectors yelled and some of them went after Jieun

"Please help me two people were shot" Haeun cried out

"Call the ambulance two people were injured" One of the inspectors shouted

(Time skip)

Haeun now was at the hospital alone getting treated with Sieun who was crying non-stop. "Baby it's ok" Haeun tried to coo Sieun. But she herself was worried.

when Haeun saw Hongseok with Jieun Haeun felt betrayed. She wondered why did he do that. But now she was guilty of thinking that.

"Haeun-ah" HAeun heard Seungwoo's mother calling her. Behind her were Sunhwa and a man who looked about 60

"Halmoni, Haraboji" Sieun went on and hugged her grandparents.

"Haeun-ah are you ok?" Sunhwa asked and HAeun nodded.

"Where is Seungwoo?" Seungwoo's mother asked and HAeun told them what happened.

"Why is she roaming around after hurting my son!" Now it was Seungwoo's father that said it

Just then Subin his mom and Dad came in

"Haeun-ah" Miseo went on and hugged AHeun "Are you ok?" Miseo asked while hugging Haeun.

"Eomma ne I am ok," Haeun said which made Miseo shocked. honestly while being captured Haeun thought about a lot of things like if she didn't die here what she would do or not. and Call her mother eomma was one of them. It's not like she abandoned her and she's been taking care of her.

"AH, Jaehwa-ya. She is the daughter I was talking about." Miseo said

"Han Seungwoo's guardian?" One of the doctors came and Haeun also went on running.

"How is he?" Seungwoo's father asked.

"We have taken the bullet out. and he's safe now" The doctor said and everyone sighed.

"Is anyone of you is patient Yang Hongseok's guardian?" Doctor asked

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