part 46

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Jieun was clinging onto Seungwoo and Seungwoo felt suffocated so he excused himself while Jieun was talking with others and went to the balcony to see Haeun standing there.

" You look beautiful" Seungwoo said to divert Haeun's thought.

There weren't many people at the balcony. And the moonlight was shining on to Haeun's face which made her more mesmerizing.

"I should go oppa must be looking for me" Haeun said and was about to leave. But Seungwoo hugged Haeun which made Haeun shocked.

"Haeun-ah i am sorry" Seungwoo said. Haeun would lie if she says her heart wasn't beating so fast. But then Haeun broke the hug.

"It's ok Seungwoo-ssi I- Mr Han what are you doing with my date ?" Hongseok said emphasizing the word date.

Hongseok put his arms around Haeun's shoulder and pulled her towards him. Seungwoo felt pain in his heart.

"You should be with your date. Miss Moon is looking for you" Hongseok said and then took Haeun away.

"Are you ok? Did he do something to you?" Hongseok asked Haeun.

"Ani oppa i am fine."

(Time skip)

The party was finally over now Haeun was back at her home. Hongseok dropped her home and now she was relaxing when by a knock on the door interrupted her peaceful time.

When Haeun opened the door she was shocked to see Seungwoo with a crying Sieun in his arms.

"Sieun-ah what happened?" Haeun said and hugged the crying Sieun and Sieun began to cry harder.

"When i went back home she had high fever. And she wanted to meet you. I am sorry to disturb you Haeun-ah" Seungwoo said.

"It's ok Seungwoo-ssi" Haeun said and took Sieun to her room.

"Oh no she has high fever" Haeun said after looking at the thermometer.

Then Haeun went on and took a towel. And placed it on Sieun's forehead.

"Unnie is that you" Sieun said with her little voice.

" Yes baby it's me." Haeun said.

"Why didn't you come! I wanted to meet you" Sieun said now crying harder.

After 1 hour Sieun's fever had gone down and Sieun fe asleep , both Seungwoo and Haeun went and sat on the living room.

"Thanks for today Haeun-ah" Seungwoo said.

"Ani i have to do this because" Haeun said and paused

"Because what? Haeun-ah"

"I know how it feels" Haeun said

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