part 44

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It was the next day. Haeun was sleeping in as she wasn't feeling well. Suddenly someone  came inside her room 'Am i dreaming?' Haeun thought.

"Haeun-ah wake up" someone said.  And Haeun's eye shot open.

She saw Hongseok holding a bag. " I knew you didn't eat breakfast" Hongseok said putting down the food.

"I have bought food. Go and wash up" Hongseok said and went outside with the food he had bought

'Wait what the hell' Haeun  thought

(Time skip)

"Oppa how did you enter my house?" Haeun asked. "Sejun told me to check up  on you. He told me  something happened and gave me your passcode. And I bought food" Hongseok said.

"Ah by the way Haeun-ah" Hongseok said and Haeun looked at him " Will you accompany me to a party?" Hongseok asked.

"Oppa party?" Haeun asked

" It's a business party. Well one of my partners are throwing a party. " Hongseok said

"What would I do there?" Haeun asked.

"Save me?" Hongseok said and  Haeun  raised a brow.

"From what?" Haeun asked getting curious.

"From blind dates. You know most of my partners are old and they likes to set me up with their daughters. I don't like it" Hongseok said .

"Why you might meet someone you like right?" Haeun joked. Haeun knew how much Hongseok doesn't like being setting up

"Ya will you save me?" Hongseok asked. And Haeun started laughing.

"Ya! Arasseo oppa i will.'' Haeun said.


Seungwoo was in his office when his secretary came in after a knocked.

"Mr. Han, someone came to meet you'' Seungwoo's secretary said,

"Who it- Oppa its us!" Jieun said bragging in with Mrs. Moon behind her.

"You may go now "  jieun dismissed Seungwoo's secretary.

"Seungwoo-ya are you doing well?" Mrs. moon asked

" Ah ne I am fine" Seungwoo said. Seungwoo was boiling inside but he didn't say anything as he didn't want to disrespect the elder sitting in front of him

" I heard you went to Sunhwa's party with Jieun. I am glad  you are guiding my daughter well" Mrs. Moon said. 

"Imo can i ask you something? "Seungwoo asked. And Mrs.  moon nodded.

"Of course son" Mrs. Moon said

" where is Haeun?" Seungwoo asked

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