Part 25

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Haeun stood there tears slipping down her eyes. jangmim's words kept repeating in her head she could not breathe properly so she came outside and was walking aimlessly when she was about to hit by a car then someone suddenly pulled her in. "Are you mad if you want to die go find someone else" The driver shouted

"Ah, sorry" That someone said and Haeun saw that it was Subin. "Haeun Nuna are you ok? what would you do if I wasn't here?" Subin asked Then Subin got shocked seeing Haeun cry. "Nuna are you ok," subin said but Haeun fainted before that.

Subin piggybacked Haeun to his own home as he didn't want Haeun to be alone. "Subin-ah who is this?" Subin's mom said as soon as she saw him with Haeun. "Eo eomma she is a Nuna I know Eomma can she stay here for the time being. She fainted on the road" Subin said "Omo ofcourse she can use the guest room. Go put her in her room. I should make something for her." Subin's mom said and Subin nodded Subin was still carrying Haeun. .

Then he put Haeun to the bed. "Nuna what happened to you"?" Subin mumbled. Subin always knew Haeun as a bright person. But seeing her cry made him sad today. Subin always wanted an elder sister. he saw Haeun as his own sister.

Haeun woke up to an unfamiliar place and began to panic when someone came in. "Hi, I am Seo Misoo. You must be really startled. But don't worry I am Subin's mother. Subin found you "on the street fainted," Misoo said but Haeun's eyes were glued to floor.

Haeun's eyes started to tear up again which startled Misoo. "Aigoo poor soul. You must have gone through so much to faint like that. Here eat this it will give you strength" Misoo said

"Eomma is Nuna awake"?" Subin came asking When he saw Haeun awake he bombarded her with a lot of questions. but was shocked to see Haeun cry

Subin went on and hugged Haeun "Nuna don't cry," Subin said "Sub-subin-ah I don't have family anymore," Haeun said and subin was shocked

Misoo looked at them and smiled. 'If my girl was alive they would be like this too right?' Misoo thought


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