Part 11

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Seungwoo was Haeun's brother's childhood friend. He also met Haeun and Jieun when he came to play with Taeil, which was their brother's name. Seungwoo back then was a chubby cute kid and Haeun used to call him woo and for some reason, Seungwoo used to call her Haemi. Seungwoo would love the reaction of Haeun when he used to call her Haemi. Haeun used to think that Seungwoo forgot her name and used to get mad over that. 

Seungwoo first noticed his likeness towards Haeun when a boy confessed to Haeun in their high school and Taeil and Seungwoo showed that boy away. Seungwoo Taeil Haeun and Jieun used to go to the same high school. Seungwoo could see that Jieun was mean to Haeun but he never paid any heed to her. Jieun used to try get Seungwoo's attention by various means but his attention was only for Haeun. which made Jieun mad even more

 They were one year senior to them, But one-day things changed drastically for them.  While coming from school Haeun was about to get hit by a truck but to save Haeun Taeil got hit instead. Of course, they called 911 but it was already late.

After Taeil's death. the Moon family moved to another city and That's how Seungwoo lost touch with Haeun. After Taeil's death, Seungwoo worked hard to lose weight as Taeil would encourage him to do so and by the 3rd year, he was a new person. he turned into the Seungwoo he was now. ofcourse he missed Haeun like crazy and losing his best friend didn't help him either but after the first year in university Seungwoo met Jiae and his feeling for Haeun began to subside. 

"Appa!" Sieun's voice made Seungwoo snap from his thoughts. "Yes, baby?" Seungwoo asked. "I want to eat ice cream," Sieun said "Sieun-ah you didn't eat your lunch it wouldn't be good for your health if you don't believe me ask your pretty unnie," Seungwoo said and Sieun looked over to Haeun. 

"Your Appa is right. Umm, what if we finish our lunch and then eat ice cream?" Haeun suggested and Sieun looked over to Seungwoo. "Of course we can eat after finishing the lunch," Seungwoo said smiling. 

After eating their lunch  Sieun sat on Haeun's lap in the front and both of them were sleeping. Seungwoo would take a glance at Haeun every now and then.

He could not believe how pretty she has become. 'Haemi-ah I can't believe it's really you' Seungwoo  thought

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