part 51

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"Why didn't you say no?" Seungwoo whined as Haeun told him the whole story.

"I couldn't break his heart. Woo" Haeun said.  Seungwoo was about to say something but he stopped.

"What did you call me?" Seungwoo asked.

"You heard it. I am going" Haeun said but Seungwoo again pulled her beside him.

"You know how much I missed that nickname?" Seungwoo asked.

Everything around them seemed to stop for them. Their faces were getting closer.

"Hyung!" Hanse's voice made them shocked and Haeun pushed Seungwoo and Seungwoo landed on his butt.

"Eo hanse-ah wae?" Seungwoo asked while pretending to be ok.

"What are you doing here on the floor?"  Hanse asked.

"I am just exercising" Seungwoo lied. Seungwoo wanted to tell others and brag about Haeun but Haeun said she wasn't ready yet so Seungwoo wanted to keep her request. 

"Can I take one of your cars today? I have a date and  my car broke down." Hanse said. "Eo ofcourse, "Seungwoo said

As Seungwoo was taking Haeun's phone rang and Saw that Doeokhee was calling. Oh, right she has forgotten that  She was supposed to meet. 

"Wooya"  Haeun said and Seungwoo looked at her. "Wae?" Seungwoo asked "i have to go and meet Deokhee," Haeun said

"Can you not go?" Seungwoo said pouting. 

"Bian I need to go I promised  her I would meet but woo I promise you will come here once i am finished," Haeun said

After 10 minutes Haeun went to the cafe they were supposed to meet and saw Doekhee sitting in a corner 

"Did you tell him?" Deokhee asked once Haeun told her everything.

'Hmm. I didn't want  to lie" Haeun said

"Then what did he say?" Deokhee asked.

"Well he at first didn't want me to," Haeun said

"Well, why didn't you tell ajjussi you were dating Seungwoo-ssi?" Deokhee said

"Honestly Doekhee-ah. I am not sure. I mean  I am not doubting Seungwoo-ssi but myself" Haeun said

"Ya, what do you mean?" Doekhee asked.

"I am not sure if I am worthy of him There are many girls out there. for instance, take Jiwon-ssi even Sieun  likes her," Haeun said

"Ya, what are you saying. You have to be confident. As you said there are many girls out there But Seungwoo-ssi choose you over all those girls right?" Deokhee said 

Haeun was really glad that she had a friend like Deokhee.

"But Deokhee-ah why did you ask to meet? Everything alright?" Haeun asked

"Haeun-ah I wanted to tell you something," Deokhee said

"Wae?" Haeun asked now getting curious.

"Sejun Oppa and I are living together" Deokhee said and Haeun was shocked.

"Really!  From when?" Haeun exclaimed. Haeun knew that Deokhee liked Sejun very much 

"Are you talking about me?" Sejun said entering the cafe 

"Ya Lim Sejun  take care of  my Deokhee you know  she needs  to be  taken care of" Haeun said

" Of course I would " Sejun said ruffling Haeun's hair

"Ya thanks for that but won't you be late?" deokhee asked

"Are you going somewhere?" Sejun asked looking at  Haeun.

"Eo  a  blind date," Haeun said 

"And does hyung knows?" Sejun said almost shouting.

"ya be quiet and yes he does, "Haeun said 

"And he agreed to that?" Sejun asked and haeun nodded.

(Time skip)

Haeun was finally done with her date. That dude was a total geek. He wanted Haeun to stop working once they got married. Which she wouldn't. after that date, she was thankful that Seungwoo was in her life. 

haeun came back to Seungwoo's house as she had promised Seungwoo but found the house empty.

'He went outside' Haeun thought. 

"Oh you look like my Haeun" Haeun heard someone saying she was scared out of her wits but the person back hugged her. she was getting mentally prepared to punch him but thankfully she didn't because it was Seungwoo who was drunk.

"Wooya did you drink?" Haeun asked.

"I really wanna kiss you" Seungwoo said

"Mwo-" Befoe Haeun could finish her sentence Seungwoo kiss kissed her

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