Part 4

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Today was the day  Haeun would start her work. Haeun now was at her university. Haeun took some years off after her brother's death so she was now continuing her studies  Haeun has special classes which were only on Saturdays and Mondays. She talked to Seungwoo and Seungwoo said it was ok to take those days off. She would go there after her classes and then would continue with her work and would take care of Sieun

"Haeun-ah~" Haeun heard someone calling. when she looked back it was  Deokhe Haeun's friend.

"Wae Dokhae-ah?" Haeun said

"Why don't you tell me you got fired from your job.?" Deokhee asked and Saemi just sighed.

"Mian a lot of things were in my mind but I got another job," Haeun said and Deokhee jumped from her seat

"Wait really then that's great what do you do now?" Deokhee asked.

"Well I am a nanny for the daughter of Han Seungwoo," Haeun said

"Mwo!" Deokhee  almost shouted 

"Ya, we are in the class remember? Stop shouting," Haeun said whispering, and Deokhee mumbled sorry to the people who were looking at them.

"Do you even know who the hell is he?" Deokhee said and Haeun nodded her head saying no.

"He is one of the hottest businessmen in Korea and one of the richest. He has 5-star hotels and malls. Why am I even surprised that you don't know him" Deokhe said and signed. Now that explains why he had all of these things that rich people have in his house.

(time skip)

Finally, Haeun's classes were over so he head back to Han's place. She rang the doorbell and one of the maids opened the door.

"Ah annyonghasayo i am the new nanny of Sieun.  Can i see her?" Haeun asked.

"Why are you calling our young miss by her name?" One of the maids asked and Haeun was confused.

"I- Let her in, She is also my guest and I expect you guys to treat her nicely whenever i am not around," Seungwoo said coming near the gate.

"Master we are sorry," The maids said and ran away.

"Haeun-ssi I am sorry about them," Seungwoo said

"Anio Gwenchanayo," Haeun said.

"Let me show you the house. Sieun is still in the daycare " Seungwoo said and Haeun nodded.

As Haeun was walking she noticed that there were many photos of Seungwoo and Sieun. But there weren't any traces of Sieun's mother.

"Don't you have any photos of sieun's mother?" Haeun asked but then she shut her mouth remembering it might be a sensitive topic for Seungwoo.

"Ani I don't and that's because I don't want Sieun to feel sad. her mother died when she was two years old. so when she grew old enough to understand she always asks about her mother and honestly I don't know what to say  then" Seungwoo said

Haeun understood what Seungwoo meant. Sieun was only four years old and at such a young age she lost her mother when she needed her the most. 

"And I hope you don't talk about her mother with her" Seungwoo said and Haeun nodded.

"What time does Sieun comes home?" Haeun asked.

"3:00" Seungwoo replied.

"Oh, it's 2:50. Where does she go tell me I can pick her up" Haeun said

"Let me show you," Seungwoo said.

Seungwoo then went to the garage and  Haeun followed behind him and again HAeun was shocked. Seungwoo has a lot of cars. Seungwoo opened the door for Haeun and Then she went inside the car.

After a few minutes of driving, they came to the daycare and saw that sieun was crying. Both of them went out and Seungwoo picked  Sieun up in his arms.  Sieun again cried snuggling against Seungwoo's neck But when she saw Haeun she jumped into Haeun's embrace and Haeun took her in her embrace.

"P-pretty u-unnie!"  Sieun said  crying

"sieun-ah what happened?" Haeun asked concerned. Although she has met Sieun only once who can let this cute little girl cry.

"U-unnie Dongho. h-he teased me fo-fr not having a mother" Sien said and then HAeun looked and Seungwoo. Seungwoo has a sad gaze in his eyes.

"I am here for you Sieun-ah," Haeun said and Sieun stopped crying.

"Next time he says those things  say that you have me," Haeun said and hugged Sieun tightly

Happy 5th-year anniversary victon. I can't express my gratitude toward them in words I really don't know what I would do without them. Maybe I would be lost in a dark world? Who knows🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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