Part 29

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"That money was for her mother idiot," Haeun said "And you know her dad is in prison right? They don't have any source of income. Anyways I have to go and pick up Sieun I will talk to you later. Remember to lock the door ok" Haeun said and Sejun nodded. Then Haeun went outside.

Now sejun felt bad for shouting At Deookhee. After he locked the door he was about to go when he saw Deokhee talking with a man when he went close he saw that the man was misbehaving with Deokhee.

"I need my full money." The man said. "Sorry, i-i don't have. it" Sejun heard Deokhee saying

"What are you saying your dad took the money now it's your responsibility to pay it up' The man shouted and was about to hit Deokhee but Sejun stopped the man. "How much money does she owe?" Sejun asked "Oppa! Don't interfere. I will take care of it" Deokhee said

"I guess your boyfriend is trying to solve it for you. That's great" the man said. "He isn't my boyfriend," Deokhee said. "Then did you sleep with him. You can sleep with me too then i can think-" Sejun punched the man before he could even finish talking. Then Sejun took Deokhee's hand and walked away. "You will pay for this!" They heard the man shouting before walking away.


"Uri princess what do you want to do?" Haeun asked Sieun while tying her hair "Unnie can we go and meet appa?" Sieun asked Haeun as Haeun finished tying Sieun's hair

Haeun was shocked by Sieun's sudden request. After what happened earlier Haeun didn't think she was ready to visit Seungwoo yet. "Unnie pleaseee!" Sieun said doing ayego. "Let me call your appa," Haeun said not able to resist Sieun's ayego. I mean who could resist a cute kid like Sieun


"Mr. Kim if you agree to our conditions we can finalize the deal," Seungwoo said to the man named Mr. Kim. "yes sure I think it's great for both of us," Mr. Kim said and Seungwoo's secretary handed him the paper to sign.

After Mr. Kim left Seungwoo went back to her room. When he entered Chan came in after knocking.

"Hyung is something wrong?" Chan asked and Seungwoo and Seungwoo looked up to him. "Ani" Seungwoo mumbled."Why are you so gloomy" Chan asked and Seungwoo was about to answer but his phone rang. He was shocked to see it was HAeun.

"Eo Haeun-ah look i - Seungwoo-ssi sieun wants to visit you so is it possible to meet you now?" Haeun asked cutting Seungwoo.

"Eo sure come now I just finished meeting," Seungwoo said and Haeun ended the call.

"Do you need anything Chan-ah?" Seungwoo asked ending the call

"Ne hyung I need the papers I gave you last time remember?" Chan said. and Seungwoo handed him the papers chan asked for. Then Seungwoo and Chan chatted for a while before he left to do work

After a while, Sieun and Haeun came to the office and now sieun was clinging onto Seungwoo like a baby Kuala

"Appa i want to go to the amusement park. everyone goes there. " Sieun said hugging Seungwoo. "Minwoo said he went to the amusement park and had fun" Sieun added."sure baby, " Seungwoo said.

"Unnie i want to go with you pleaseeeee!" Sieun said again doing Ayego. "Baby unnie is busy," Seungwoo said because Seungwoo knew it would make Haeun uncomfortable. "Aniii i want to go with uniie too please!" Sieun said then Sieun started to cry.

Haeun sighed Haeun couldn't see Sieun cry. she knows it had not been that while she got to know Sieun but she has a soft spot for Sieun.

"Ok i will go" Haeun said


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