Part 7

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"Of course I came here to hang out can't I," Seungwoo said chuckling. Seungwoo sometimes used to hang out with the guys in Sejun's house when his sisters would take Sieun to her house. 

Then Seungwoo's eyes landed on the girl who was in the living room and from her puffy eyes he could tell that she was crying. 

Haeun then looked and saw that it was Seungwoo. Then she bowed a little. "Jun-ah I am sorry but I would like to take rest," Haeun said avoiding looking into Seungwoo's eyes. Haeun hated to cry in front of strangers and Seungwoo was more of a stranger to her. 

"Eo ok go and rest I will see what can I do," Sejun said and Haeun went to the room. "Is everything ok?" Seungwoo asked.

"Hyung You know I have seen Haeun from my childhood. She is so hardworking. I don't know why it happened to her." Sejun said and Seungwoo looked at him confused.

"All of the money she saved was stolen today. She worked really hard to earn those" Sejun said.

(Time skip) 

It was the next day. Haeun woke up and saw that her eyes were really puffy. She did some makeup to cover the puffiness. she knew that it would make Sejun worry more. When she went outside she saw Sejun was sleeping with Seungwoo. Haeun sighed they might have had a drink.

Haeun was staring at Seungwoo's face. He was indeed handsome.'Aniya Haeun stop staring' Haeun mentally facepalmed herself.

" Ya Lim Sejun irrona" Haeun whispered into Sejun's ears and Sejun woke up groaning. "I will go and make breakfast so wake up Mr. Han," Haeun said and Sejun nodded. 

"Hyung, Seungwoo Hyung Irona" Sejun almost shouted Seungwoo then woke up and saw the unfamiliar surrounding then he remembered he was in Sejun's house.  "Hyung Haeun has made breakfast come eat 

 "Ah, I have made a little bit hope you like them," Haeun said embarrassed. Ofcourse Han seungwooo would eat much fancy food than this

"Wow it's delicious," Seungwoo said For Seungwoo it felt like home-cooked meals the meal he eats at home is like  from a 5-star hotel, and Haeun's good taste like his mother's food

"See Hyung I told you she makes really good food, " Sejun said while chewing the food

"Ya Lim sejun why do you always talk while chewing food?" Haeun asked 

"And Moon Haeun why don't you call me Oppa when I am older than you" Sejun fired back

"Ya you are older by one  week only" Haeun fought  back

Seunngwoo was smiling from ear to ear seeing them bickering. Seungwoo thought they were cute.

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