Part 64

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(A Few days later)

It has been a few days since the incident Seungwoo and Haeun moved together for the time being as Haeun could still be in danger. And both Hongseok and Seungwoo were discharged. Now they were at Jiae's cemetery visiting Jiae. Haeun has his hand in Haeun's.

"Jiae-ah you are watching me right? Look who have I bought" Seungwoo said and Haeun came to front "Jiae-ah annyeong I am Haeun ." Haeun said there was some dust on Jiae's tombstone so Haeun whipped them by using her hand. "Jiae-ah I promise I would take really good care of Seungwoo Oppa and Sieun," Haeun said and Seungwoo squished her hand.

Oh yah, Seungwoo proposed to Haeun a few days earlier.


after coming from the hospital Seungwoo and Haeun spent time with Sieun and yeah Mrs. Ahn who was away due to her daughter also came back. And all of the gang knew that Seugnwoo was dating Haeun. Miseo was so happy that her daughter found a man like Seungwoo.

During these times Jieun was also caught by police. Hongseok confessed to Haeun but Haeun politely rejected him and Hongseok understood her.

"Sieun-ah" Seungwoo asked the little girl who was cuddling with Haeun and Sieun replied with a hum as she was busy cuddling with Haeun.

'What if I let your pretty unnie become your Eomma" Seungwoo said and both Sieun and Haeun looked up to Seungwoo. "Pretty unnie my Eomma?" Sieun asked and Seungwoo nodded "What do you say Haeun-ah will you be Sieun's mom," Seungwoo asked

"Yes yes, I will!" Haeun said tears skipping down.

End of flashback

Haeun looked at the diamond ring on her ring finger and smiled She can't believe she would be getting married to the man she never thought would meet again.

"Congratulations Haeun-ah," Deokhee said coming. Deokhee and Haeun was currently just talking while Seungwoo and Sejun was discussing work

"Eomma!"Sieun came running and hugged Haeun and Haeun hugged her back.

Haeun never knew the word Eomma would bring her this much joy. No wonder since the first time Haeun felt connected to Sieun.

Seungwoo who looked over to Haeun and sieun smiled seeing them toghether

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