Part 20

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(A/N Guys this is a long chapter. Enjoy) 

Today was finally the day of the event Seungwoo was talking about. By that time Haeun got close to Seungwoo's gang. Haeun was nervous about meeting Seungwoo's sister as she heard a lot about her from Sejun. She also heard from Deokhee that,  The eldest daughter of Han's was really charismatic. 

She was now getting Sieun ready. "Haeun-ah go get ready I will watch Sieun," Mrs. Ahn said and Sieun nodded."Unnie I will be good" Sieun said and kissed Haeun's cheeks who was on her knee to fix Sieun's dress.

"Ok, then I will go," Haeun said and went back to her room. She then opened the package of the dress and shoes. Seungwoo also bought her shoes. Haeun at first wondered why Seungwoo was doing it but later realized that it was because he had a reputation. And he probably doesn't want someone to hinder it.  

Haeun shook off her thoughts and began to get ready Haeun wore the dress Seungwoo bought for her. And she has to admit the dress was pretty. Honestly, Haeun has really liked Fashion for a long time

(Haeun's dress)

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(Haeun's dress)

(Haeun's shoes)

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(Haeun's shoes)

Meanwhile, Seungwoo was waiting for Haeun to come and when he saw Haeun he was awestruck. 'She looks so pretty.' Seungwoo thought.

"Seungwoo-ssi  Am  I looking wired," Haeun asked and Seungwoo shocked his head" Ani if you don't believe me you can ask Sieun," Seungwoo asked and looked at Sieun "unnie you are looking pretty like a princess," Sieun said and Haeun giggled,

(Time Skip)

They reached the venue where all of the guests were. Seungwoo saw that his Nuna was greeting the guest. "Sunhwa Gomo" Sieun ran up to her aunt who hugged her gladly. Then her eyes landed on her brother and the female beside him. "Seungwoo you came?" Sunhwa asked. Haeun was getting scared now because Sunhwa was really pretty and she looked intimidating.

Before Seungwoo could say anything Jieun came and hugged Sunhwa. 'Sunhwa unnie" Jieun said and hugged the female. "Oh, Jieun-ah I am glad you came. How is Mr. and Mrs. Moon doing?" Sunhwa asked breaking the hug. "Ah, eomma and appa are fine." Jieun said and looked at Haeun.

When they talked about Their parents Haeun could feel like crying. Seungwoo noticed that so he decided to interrupt "Nuna" Seungwoo said and it caught Sunhwa's attention. 

"Seungwoo Oppa!" Jieun said and Hugged Seungwoo from the side.  Haeun doesn't know why but she felt something she couldn't decide.

"Seungwoo-ya who is this?" Sunhwa asked "She's just Sieun's nanny " Jieun replied before Seungwoo could say anything. "AH ok, Seungwoo-ya come with me and gree the guest," Sunhwa said and dragged Seungwoo before he could even say anything. Jieun looked at Haeun and smirked before she left. 

"Chanwoo-ya!" Sieun's call made Haeun snap out her thought. "Unnie he's my best friend and my cousin Chanwoo," Sieun said introducing Haeun to Chanwoo. 'at least someone was paying attention to me.' Haeun thought

"Ya it's Oppa, Chanwoo Oppa " Chanwoo said and Haeun giggled it reminded her of her and Sejun. As Haeun was chuckling Chanwoo looked up to her. "Ah I am sorry annyonghasayo I am  Jung Chanwoo," Chanwoo said introducing her.

(Time skip)

Haeun was still alone. Sieun went with Chanwoo to play. "Haeun Nuna?" Someone called Haeun. When Haeun looked behind her she saw that it was Subin.

"Eo Subin-ah," Haeun said feeling suddenly lethargic. "Nuna why are you alone? Where is Seungwoo hyung?"  Subin asked getting concerned. the past few days Haeun really bonded with the others especially Subin because subin was lived with Seungwoo for a week and thus they got closer.

"Ah Seungwoo-ssi went to greet the guest," Haeun said Haeun found Subin so cute like a baby and Haeun would die to have a brother like Subin. 

 "Nuna did you at least eat?" Subin asked and Haeun nodded her head saying no. "Nuna come on let's eat," Subin said "Subin-ah i have to take care of Sieun," Haeun  said and Subin sighed ."Ok, Nuna I am bringing Sieun wait here" Subin said and went into the crowd.

After some time Subin came back with Sieun and Chanwoo and they head to the table where the others were. "Oh  Haeun-ah," Seungsik asked clearly shocked. Haeun also told them to talk informally as they got close. 

"I took Nuna here. She was standing alone in the mids of crowed" Subin said ." Where is Seungwoo Hyung?" Seungsik asked. "He's just greeting the guests," HAeun said.

"Sieun-ah eat this" Haeun said as they began to eat food. "So HAeun-ah how many Siblings do you have?" Chan asked this time. "Ah I have one sister and I had a brother who died by accident," Haeun said  "Ah I am sorry," Chan said. "Aniyo it has been a long time," Haeun said then she was concentrating on Sieun when her eye landed on Seungwoo. She saw that Jieun was glued to Seungwoo. Haeun sighed and again began to focus on Sieun.

"I hate Jieun Nuna," Subin said, "Yes me too," Hanse and Byungchan said at the same time. "She  always sticks with Seungwoo Hyung like she's a magnet and Hyung is a metal," Hanse said 

Haeun pretended that she wasn't interested but was listening to their conversation as she was feeding Sieun. Sieun was done so she went to play with Chanwoo,

" if hyung had to choose someone it would rather be good to choose Haeun Nuna," Hanse said and everyone nodded. hearing this Haeun blushed so hard that her face was red. "Guys enough can't you see Hauen is getting uncomfortable here?" Seugnsik  said and everyone got quite

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