Part 19

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After Sieun was done Haeun  dressed her up in a cute dress 

After Sieun was done Haeun  dressed her up in a cute dress 

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(Sieun's dress and shoes)

Haeun has to admit Seungwoo has a nice choice of clothes then she went and changed her dress too

Haeun has to admit Seungwoo has a nice choice of clothes then she went and changed her dress too

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(Haeun's dress)

After getting ready Haeun went to Sieun and picked her up. After a few minutes of waiting Seungwoo finally showed up.

"Seungwoo-ssi what's with the dress?" Haeun asked. "Ah, it's just a token of gift from me since you are helping me so much" Seungwoo replied and Haeun was about to protest but they arrived at a boutique. "Sir we are here" The driver informed. 

"Unnie you will buy pretty dresses with me right?" Sieun ask and looked at Haeun "Sieun-ah" Before Haeun could say anything Seungwoo pulled her inside "And now that we are here please don't deny. Please." Seungwoo said and Haeun gave up "Fine" Haeun said and Haeun begin to scan the place as Seungwoo said they would buy Sieun's one first. There were many gorgeous dresses for both adults and young and for both genders.

"Seungwoo-ya" Haeun heard a girl's voice calling for Seungwoo Haeun saw that Seungwoo went and hugged the lady. Sieun who was holding Haeun's hand left her hand and went to the lady. Haeun suddenly felt empty for some reason. 

"Jiwon imo!" Sieun hugged Jiwon "Ya Yang Jiwon what are you doing here?" Seungwoo asked. "I was here to shop. I am going to Sunhwa unnie's event" Haeun heard Jiwwon saying. Jiwon was so gorgeous. Haeun was feeling small. "Oh meet Haeun. Haeun,  she is Jiwon. Yang Jiwon" Seungwoo said introducing"them.

"What are you doing here?" Jiwon asked "We are here to shop dress for Sieun and Haeun" Seungwoo replied and Haeun honestly didn't want Seungwoo to say that because Jiwon might think that she was taking advantage of Seungwoo's money.

Haeun saw Jiwon drag Seungwoo by Seungwoo's arms and Haeun don't know why she felt a pang in her heart. 

"You like her? That's great" Jiwon exclaimed after dragging Seungwoo away. "Is it too soon?" Seungwoo asked lowering his eyes.  Jiwon was Jiae and Seungwoo's friend. More like best friend Jiwon saw how hard Seungwoo worked after Jiae passed.

"Look at me Han Seungwoo," Jiwon said and  Seungwoo looked at her. "It's not soon. Jie would like you to be happy too" Jiwon said

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