Part 24

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Both Seungwoo and Haeun was now sitting across each other both of their face red. " I am sorry i- just fell" Haeun said getting up." I should go Sieun's at home alone " Seungwoo said and Haeun nodded and seungwoo left after taking a glance at Haeun

Haeun's heart was beating so fast that Haeun doesn't know what to do. It was the first time she felt like this after woo.

Yes, it is true. Haeun used to like him. Haeun can't remember his name except for his nickname because it's what she has been calling him since the day she met him. but she used to like him.

After she moved she used to wait for woo. Her dad was good to her but he was away most of the time. And when he was away her mother would blame her for her son's death and blame her for many other things she didn't do. And Jieun?? She was the reason behind all of it. It's not like it only happened after Tail's death. But when Taeil was alive Taeil used to protect her.

Haeun's doorbell rang again and Haeun went to opene the door and was shocked to see her mother with Jieun behind. "Eomm-" before Haeun could say anything a slap was landed on her face.

"You bitch you ruined my daughter's happiness" Jungmi yelled at the top of her lung. Tears started to fall from Haeun's eyes.

"You took away my son now you want to ruin my daughter's happiness?" Jungmi yelled again.

"Eomma Am i not your daughter?" Haeun mumbled.

"You are not my daughter. Your dad choose me over your mom" Jungmi said laughing.

"Mwo?" Haeun asked as she was shocked. Till this day Haeun thaught lee Jangmi was her mother.

" Your dad cheated on your mother with me. Then i got pregnant with Jieun when your mother got pregnant with you. I tried to kill you but it didn't work. Ofcourse your dad was blind so he choosed me instead of your mother and took you with him after you were born" jangmi said laughing.

Now it was all clear to Haeun why the woman she thought was her mother never loved her.

"Then Tail oppa?" Haeun managed to utter the sentence.

"Tail was my son from my previous marriage. My precious Son. The one you killed" jangmi yelled.

"I am warning you stay away from my daughter's happiness" jangmi said and left with Jieun. Before leaving jieun came and poured a can of soju on Haeun

"Ops my hand slipped." Jieun said smirking and then she left

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