part 3

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" a hyung I know needs a nanny for his daughter and I guess it would be good since you were a part-time teacher in a kindergarten," Sejun said.

"Really but the pay won't be much to handle my bills," Haeun said and sighed.

"Ani as far as I know he gave his previous nanny 12000 won, "Sejun jun said a d Haeun gasped. 12000 won was a really good amount of money for Haeun as she needed to pay for the student loan she took.

"And you have to stay there most of the time so you don't have to worry about food expenses and other expenses that much" Sejun said which sounded tempting to Haeun.

Well, Haeun does have parents but they don't support her. She doesn't know why they hate her. She is close with Sejun and their grandparents.

And that's how Haeun ended up in front of this pretty home.

And that's how Haeun ended up in front of this pretty home

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(The house)

'Wow, it would take me years to live in this kind of home.' Haeun thought. Sejun who was beside her went on and pushed the password like it was his own home. . "Ya what are you doing?" Haeun whispered. "Just follow me,"  Sejun said and went inside. the inner part of the house-made Haeun gasp more. 

Haeun was talking her time to admire the house when Sejun went inside Haeun could see that the maids were bowing to Sejun. "Uncle Juniee!!" Haeun heard a little giggle. Haeun didn't know her cousin was good with kids. 

"Haeun-ah what are you doing? Come here" Sejun motioned Haeun to come and Haeun was shocked to see Sieun there

"Pretty unnie?" Little Sieun asked "Sieun-ah?" Haeun also said shocked "Wait how do you guys know each other" Sejun asked confused

(Time skip)

Haeun was starting at Seungwoo and Seungwoo was putting  Sieun  up for her nap in her room

Haeun was starting at Seungwoo and Seungwoo was putting  Sieun  up for her nap in her room

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(Sieun's room)

 "Sieun-ah rest well" Seungwoo whispered and kissed Sieun's forehead who was already dozing of to dreamland.

"So Haeun-sii  right?" Seungwoo asked after coming back to the living room.

"Do you have any experience in childcare?" Seungwoo asked.

"ah, ne I was a part-time teacher of a kindergarten school so I have a lot of experiences with little kids," Haeun replied.

"Hyung she's the one I was talking about," Sejun said and Seungwoo looked up to him.

"Ah, so you are the cousin Sejun mentioned about.That's great then you are hired" Seungwoo said 

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