Part 23

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Seungwoo was ow sitting on the couch with Haeun. Haeun was sitting in front of him. "Seugnwoo-ssi why are you here? Ani how did you know where I live?" Haeun asked

"Sejun told me" Seungwoo mumbled but Haeun clearly heard it 'ish Lim Sejun' Haeun thought "SO why are you here?" haeun asked.

"I want to apologize for earlier. I should have stopped Jieun and introduced you to Nuna" Seungwoo said. Seungwoo doesn't know why he thought he must clarify that.

"aniyo it's ok I am not your girlfriend but just a nany," Haeun said Haeun doesn't know why she also felt hurt.

"Haeun-ah" Seingewoo said but was stopped by Haeun . "The last time I checked we were not in terms to speak informally Han Seungwoo-ssi," Haeun said and Seungwoo was about to reply when the doorbell rang again Haeun went up and opened the door to see Jajangmyun.

Haeun paid the delivery man and went to the dining table and Seungwoo followed behind. "You let Seungsik and Chan speak informally to you but why can't I?" Seugnwoo asked.

"Because they aren't my boss. Now can I eat I am hungry after all the cleaning" Haeun said and unwrapped the bowl of jajangmyun. Seungwoo sat there while Haeun ate . Haeun was having a hard time eating due to her long hair. So Seungwoo went to the living room and luckily he found a rubber band.

Haeun was surprised when she felt a hand touching her bare skin. "Let me tie them for you," seungwoo said and tied her hair. Seungwoo's voice sent shivers down Haeun's spine.

After eating Haeun went on and disposed the bowl and came back to her living room to find Seungwoo still there "Since you are here in my home I won't treat you as my boss" Haeun said and sat beside Seungwoo

"So Did they find the culprit?" Seungwoo said and Haeun nodded. "That's why I was able to come back," HAeun said. Seungwoo wished that the culprit wasn't caught so Haeun would have stayed a bit longer. " Who was it?" Seungwoo asked. "Why should I tell you " Haeun said

"Just now you said that I am not your boss and you forgot?" Seungwoo asked pretending to be hurt.

"I said you are not my boss but I didn't say that I would count you as my friend too," Haeun said and stood up. Haeun was about to fall due to the floor being slippery but Seungwoo caught her and later both of them fell together

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