Part 43

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Haeun was shocked to see Seungwoo at her front door. "Haeun-ah" Seungwoo called Haeun but Haeun was about to go inside. But Seungwoo grabbed Haeun's hand. "Haeun-ah  I am sorry," Seungwoo said and finally Haeun looked at Seungwoo.

"Stop it, Mr. Han. I am sure you fired me and we don't have any relation" Haeun said but Seungwoo didn't let go "Haeun-ah i-" Before Seungwoo could even say anything Haeun went inside her house and shut the door, Seungwoo leaned against the door almost crying.

"Hyung are you ok?" Seungwoo heard someone asking. When he looked back it was Subin

"Subin-ah what are you doing here?" Seungwoo said weakly Seungwoo didn't want the younger one to see him in this state so he pretended that he was ok.

"Ah hyung I was just visiting Haeun Nuna," Subin said which Seungwoo believed. In fact, Subin knew the truth about Haeun and he wanted to meet Haeun as soon as possible and he also knew how sad Haeun would be.  But it wasn't his place to let Seungwoo know that.

"Ah arrasoo" Seungwoo said but he didn't move an inch. "Hyung I think you should go home Sieun is alone," Subin said. subin really respected Seungwoo so even after what he did he  couldn't get angry at him

Haeun heard a bell on her door and thought that Seungwoo was here so she didn't open the door. "Nuna it's me, Subin. Can you please open the door for me?" subin asked and Haeun let out a sigh. Honestly, Haeun had enough on her plate and she didn't have a reason to see Seungwoo right?

As soon as Haeun opened the door Subin engulfed Haeun into a hug "Nuna i can't believe you are my real Nuna" Subin said and haeun remained silent. "Nuna I know it must hard for you. Let it out I am here for you" subin said and Haeun chuckled breaking the hug. "Ya you don't need to worry about me Subin-ah," Haeun said ruffling Subin's hair

"An I am glad that you are here too subin-ah," Haeun said and subin smiled.


Seungwoo came back home to find Jiwon sitting in Sieun's room. "ya is everything ok Where is Haeun?" Jiwon asked and Seungwoo nodded his head saying no and Jiown understood him imidately.

"Sieun just fell asleep while crying," Jiwon said and sighed. "She wanted her Haeun unnie," Jiwon said and Seungwoo looked at Sieun who had tears stained on her cheeks.

Seungwoo went to Sieun's bed and planted a soft kiss on her forehead " I promise i would bring your unnie back" Seungwoo  whispered

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