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It's weird without joe here. I can't remember the last time I went to a party that he wasn't at. I'm trying not to think about it, but of course the more you try not to, the more you think about something. It hurts because I know it doesn't affect him the way it affects me. It doesn't matter if he's hurting because at the end of the day, the one that loses is the one that cares more. And I, in this case, am the loser.
The mansion is large, the ceiling carved out of marble, swirls of high schoolers gathering around large bowls filled with different spiked punches. I barely glance in its direction before heading towards the marble stairs.
The best part of this mansion is the lower floor.
Underneath the open floor plan above lies a maze of rooms and hallways. It reminds me of the coliseum. I can just imagine opening one of the doors to find a fantastical collection of exotic animals ready to mow down on the guests above. But then again, I'd say any social situation can turn into the feeling of getting mauled by a lion. I'd rather face the lion if I'm being completely transparent.
The hallway below is dark, the walls lined with old pictures and posters. I never came down here with Joe. Maybe that's why I'm here now. I told myself I'd never go downstairs.

I pass by a closed door, the sounds of a bed rhythmically thudding against the wall giving me an impression of what must be going on in there. I keep walking. There's another door to my left made of solid oak. Behind that door is odd lifted laughter. I don't want to know what's happening in that room. And then I smell it.
Wafting through the hallway, barely recognizable, is the scent I'm waiting for. A small smile creases my lips as I continue making my way through the undulating maze of hallways and rooms. I locate the smell Off to the right behind yet another oak door. I slowly open it. I wouldn't be in here if it wasn't for Joe. I clench my fist as I open the door wider.
"Hey," I hear a deep voice from the inside. Adrian sits along with a small group. Throbbing music muzzled by the ceiling above. Adrian is leaning over an open calculus text book.
"Doing homework?" I ask, looking around the room. The rest of the group is doing a miscellaneous assortment of tasks. And in the center of the room, twice the size of a Normal one, stands a bong, the bowl packed and drawing silver swirling smoke into the air.
"Come join the party," another voice I don't recognize says. He's tall, his hair falling over his face.
"I didn't expect to see so much of the football team down here," he smiles.
"Why not?"
"Well, won't you get kicked off the team and suspended for that?" the boy smiles.
"I mean, but we have to pass somehow, right?" I chip in. Adrian raises a hand in agreement.
"If we get bad grades it'll be way worse."
I see the tall one's eyebrows tilt upward. He leans forward onto his elbows.
"In what way?" He smiles. His crystal blue eyes glint. There's something sinister behind them. Something not quite present in the moment—they're fixated on something else. He slides over on the dark leather couch to make room for me to sit next to himself.
"I guess they're about equal then," i say hesitantly looking at the couch.
"Come on, I don't bight," there's a cold smile on his lips. I take a deep breath and sit down, there's nothing I need to be afraid of.
He pulls out a zippo and picks up the bong. It's so graceful the way he's holding it, like an ancient artifact. His left hand wraps delicately around the bowl, his other hand tilting with the lighter to set the greens alight.
After the bong filled with water is writhing with white smoke he fills his lungs and releases his mouth from the top.
"Geez Adrian, this stuff is legit," he laughs placing the bong back down on the table. He pulls out his zippo and lets it dance around his hand.
"Wanna rip?" Hes gesturing at the bong. I look over at the bong. Although I trust Adrian, I only get weed from my dealer just in case anyone puts anything else in it.
"No thanks," I sit back.
"You don't smoke?" He looks amazed.
"I just wanted a quiet place to sit. Adrian and I do homework together a lot." Adrian looks up, his brows slightly creasing. Adrian and I haven't done homework together since ninth grade.

Joe was a party animal with no fear of death. He'd do all of the stupid things he wanted to do without a care in the world about what other people thought. And I was amazed. I wanted to be just like him. And Joe would never come down here to chill with the stoners. That's why I'm here. To be as far away from Joe as I can be.
"So the captain of the football team came down to where the stoners hang out to do homework?" He's leaning back in the couch now, his black hair falling over his glassy blue eyes.
"I came to find Adrian." Adrian shakes his head and continues on his homework.
"Why? From the looks of it, you're not close," his crystal white teeth glimmer.
I take a deep breath. Well if he's really gonna go there.
"Usually I come with my best friend, but he's not here tonight. So I came to support the team," I start. he's making me uncomfortable. It's like he wants something from me.
"And specifically I came to hang with Adrian."
I hear adrian's book slam on the table.
"Let's go outside and talk," he says.
A smirk plays on the boy's lip.
"That's what I was just thinking," I say and get up.
The second I'm outside of the door Adrian has pinned me to the wall.
"What is wrong with you dude? We're not close," He spits in my face.
"You left me to go play buddy buddy with the popular kids and now that they left you you want to come back. I don't want your fake ass friendship. I'm better than that. Now I'm going to go back in there and work on homework, I don't want to see you in there again." I gulp before he pushes back off of the wall and steps back into the room.

Doesn't it count for anything that I'm trying now? Doesn't any of the stupid bull shit I'm pulling so the team doesn't fail, does any of it count?

This is exactly why I never wanted to be the captain. No on likes me. They think I'm fake. They want joe. They support Joe's leadership. No one wants me. Im just some annoying kid that gets in the way. I can't do anything right. And now, I'm just like I was before joe. Useless and unwanted.

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