Meeting my parents

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Today Abelle is going to meet my parents. We set up a dinner together. Abelle didn't want to hide us from then. I'm really afraid of how they're going to react when they see her but I'm trying to think positively.
Her hand gives mine a squeeze.
"Baby you dont need to worry. You said God loves us, right? So he'll keep us safe," I didn't even realize I was shaking. I squeeze her hand tighter. "Don't be afraid, He's the God of creation, he'll protect us."
I want to cry. I know there's nothing I can do. There's physically nothing I can do. I just don't want them to hurt her.
Abelle takes her index finger and clicks the door bell. The door slowly opens to my mom. I squeeze Abelle's hand tighter.

God, please. Please help us.

My mom pauses, a flash of shock falling on her face, then Abelle puts her hand out.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Abelle, Aliana's girlfriend."
She looks down at it, and then ever so slowly puts her hand out.
"It's lovely to meet you," she finally states. my father is behind her.
"Hello, my name is Abelle," Abelle puts her hand out for my father. After a fraction of a second he puts out his own, then slowly they open the door.
"Welcome!" My dad smiles.

And a sob I didn't know I was holding in falls out of my mouth.

All of my life, I have never once told my parents how much I struggled with my sexuality. I never once told them how I felt. I never once expected them to be kind, or loving or gracious. But this is nothing like I expected.

"It's nice to meet you!" My mother says. "Aliana has only brought one other person home so you must be important."
"Come on in and find a seat at the table, we'll bring out the food in a minute." My mom and dad walk hand in hand towards the kitchen to grab a large stew pot that they bring to the table. Abelle rushes to help them carry it over.
"Is there anything I can help with?" She says with a smile.
"Yeah, can you go grab the silverware, it's next to the stove." I stay seated watching as Abelle leaves the room and my parents sit down.
"she seems nice," My mom says.
"she's spunky, and confident," I can feel tears welling in my eyes.
"But... but I thought, I thought you wouldn't, I thought that it just..."
"Baby girl, we love you. We don't agree with a lot of these beliefs but it's important that you discover your faith on your own two feet. We're not here to tear you down. And if she loves you enough to try and keep us involved in your lives I respect that. You have to make decisions for your entire life. And you will have to live with the consequences. Just like Abelle. So take it one day at a time. And let the lord lead you."
My eyesight is blurred by the tears now clouding my vision.
"Your life is full of decisions that will only get harder from here. Having the right person by your side to guide you and protect you is important. Is she Christian?" My mother continues. I blink.
"Just be careful you're not unevenly yoked. That'll make the rest of your living life hell."
"I haven't asked yet," I mumble.
"Baby I know how much god means to you. And that means you'll be having to facilitate that relationship within your relationship. That might be difficult," my mother says seriously.
"I'm okay with going to church and spending time there with her. I know god is important to her, and a relationship with god is worth considering," Abelle chimes in.
I blink.
I was so scared.
I didn't communicate with my partner.
After I just yelled at joe for not communicating well. What a hypocrite. This is why I should be slow to speak and quick to listen. I should be slow to anger. And slow to provoke. I should be stronger. And less hypocritical. I have to be a better Christian. Not just for me. For Abelle too.

I respect my parents for dinner. They told us their views, they asked Abelle questions about her life. They asked her how she felt about all sorts of things. They actually got to know her. I know my parents believe in man and woman marriage. I know them. And I know how much they are sacrificing by being kind. And listening to others beliefs and being there to listen. I hope that Abelle sees that they're trying. Trying to show Abelle god's love the best they can. They honestly are very truthful and do not sugar coat. But they listen. And they care. And they want to hear her opinions. And they do what the best parents do. And they get to know a person I trusted to let into my life. Someone I felt safe around when no one else makes me feel safe. I want them to like her. I want them to love her. But I'm okay if it's not yet. I can wait. I can wait forever if that's what it takes. I will always love Abelle. Even if we end up not together. I don't care. I will always love her for exactly where she's at.

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