I cant sleep

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I can't sleep tonight. I don't know what it is. For some reason sleep won't come to me. It's evading me.

I turn and twist but I still can't manage to fall asleep. What is wrong with me?
But there's no answer that comes through the night. I'm all alone with my thoughts. I sigh and turn on my lamp. I pound out some push ups and then shove my motorcycling helmet onto my head.
I turn on my live stream.
"Hello, and welcome to a spontaneous livestream." The chat is plastered with people joining in.
"I love you!"
"Take off your shirt!"
"Good evening hot stuff!"
Some of them further down are not so appropriate. I laugh and unbutton my shirt. Well at least they appreciate me.

To be honest I think I needed my fans tonight. Someone who cheers me on. Seeing Joe fall in love with Pamela, even if he doesn't realize it yet, has made me realize how alone I am. I don't seek after anyone. Honestly I haven't found anyone that would be a particularly good fit for me yet. But even then there's so much I'd have to hide. I don't even think I'm in a position where it's even feasible.
I sigh.
"What game should I play tonight? I'm in the mood to appease my loyal peasants," there's a vibration of messages flowing into the chat now.
"You're right! I haven't played call of duty in a really long time. Let's do it, zombie invasion anyone?" There is a rumble of ascent.
"Good, then let's get on it," and with that I play until the birds are chirping outside. I stay on until the sunlight bleeds through around my curtains. I look to the side of me towards the clock and read the time. 7:07 am, Monday.
To be honest I should be getting ready for school. I take one more look at the chat.
"Guys, I gotta go, but I'll see you all again soon." I smile what I hope is a winning smile and then bid them all adieu. Time for a brand new day at hell. How enthralling.

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