Third culture kid

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I've never had a friend group the way I do now. It's odd how tragedy breeds victory in the oddest ways. Maverick and I hang out almost every day. I'm not failing my chem class because of him. And Pamela is helping me through math. I might even be able to pass at this rate. But I'm nervous, because tonight I meet Pamela's family. She stops me on our way to her car.
"Hey joe, I really think at some point I need to make sure to talk to you about this.
I know that for the most part you and I look similar. We both speak English and we both care about eachother. But I'm a third culture kid. I was raised in South America and as much as I am American, I'm also from there and consider myself Latina. That being said. You're going to have to be patient with me and my family. We don't always do things the way that people do them in the states. There's a lot of things we didn't have growing up that are day to day things here. And I'm so excited to get to know this culture more and you more. But I also need you to know and respect that I have a rich heritage and when you say yes to me, you get all of me, not just a piece. I'm excited to teach you about my past. I'm excited to make a way in the future. But I want you to know this is a big risk we're taking. And the territory we're walking into is going to get messy."
I nod and smile. She looks so serious.
"Pam, I will love you no matter what."
I smile. "Good, because that's what I was thinking," and then Im kissing her. And she's kissing me.
And all of the sudden I'm okay with talking to her parents. I know how harsh her father can be. I see it in his eyes too. And even if my dad hasn't been awful the past few days he has an eternity to make up for it.

And then two words stick to my brain.

Forgive him.

Damned conviction.

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