She walks away

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At school I pass Jeremy in the hallway, I keep my head down but I don't think he even notices. It's odd, he looks strangely happier than before. Was he really contented by just fucking up Joe's car? Why? That can't be it. There's this pit in my stomach that won't go away, like something worse is coming. Like for whatever reason, it's worse that he's not doing anything.
"Hey," Joe comes up next to me. "Have you seen Pamela?" I look over at him.
"She'll text us if she's having a problem," I shrug. He looks at me skeptically.
"Trust her, she says she's got it, she'll be okay,"
"I don't know man, I keep getting this bad feeling about this whole thing, like something is coming."
"I feel that way too, but I also know she would tell us if she was in trouble."
"I hope you're right," He says looking down the hall. I follow his line of sight down the hallway towards a girl hand in hand with another girl.
"What's up?"
"Nothing," He says. "I have to go to class." But deep in his eyes something looks forlorn. Once he leaves I walk down the hallway towards the two. As I get closer I can tell it's Aliana. She presses her hands to the cheeks of the tall girl in front of her and lifts herself up on her tip toes to kiss her. The girl laughs and holds her hands to her cheeks. They look so profoundly happy, it's a very interesting thing to see in a hallway. I'm not the only one looking at them, there's several eyes that linger in their direction, some with disgust, some with curiosity. But the happy pair couldn't care less. They look so overjoyed to be together. Slowly the girl takes Aliana's hand, and after kissing it once, the two walk down the hall chattering away to each other.
"I know who'd expect it, such a waste if you ask me," a kid next to me stops to say. I look at them.
"Aliana was easily the hottest girl in this whole school and now she's taken by some boy dressed in a skirt. Maybe more people should wear skirts and call themselves women." I look at the boy and give a small sad smile.
"Did you like her a lot?"
"What?" He looks at me, a face full of anger.
"How long did you like her for?"
He steps back.
"I didn't, it's just a waste of a pretty face."
He turns to leave. I look after the happy couple walking down the hallway and then turn to look back at Joe, hobbling away on his crutches towards his next class. Was the random boy jealous? Why did he care so much? Was joe jealous? I thought he was into Pamela?
"I wonder how joe must feel about it, he's the one that dated her last," another kid is looking down the hall after Joe. Another kid sucks in an uncomfortable breath.
"What?" Joe didn't tell me that.
"You didn't know, I thought everyone knew that," the kid says. I look over at him. I must not have been paying attention.
"But it was before he lost his leg, rumor went they broke up because of that," the kid crosses his arms.
"Now I'm sure it's cuz Alaina was gay, well I guess sort of, yo Arron what should we call it?" The kid laughs to his buddy. There's a thick feeling of nausea bubbling up inside me. It? They're a human being at the least. Why do they even care? Why do I care? Do I say something?

The bell rings above my head.

Fuck my existential brain.

I look after Joe who is hobbling into a classroom. I guess I have to ask him about the Alaina stuff? Or maybe not? Or maybe?


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