Off to church

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Today is Sunday, I wake up at nine. I look down at my phone. I guess I need to ask Maverick where we're going to church.

I type in the chat.

"Can you drop the address for church?"
"Sure thing," he texts back.
Soon he drops an address. I click on it.
I've never tried going to church, my parents aren't religious. They just don't like the fact that I'm trans for the fact that I'm trans. Or I don't know, they just think it's wrong because it's "unnatural".
Usually to make them comfortable I change out of sweatpants into things I like wearing at school. Today I've decided to do the same. I throw on some sweatpants, throw on a baggy t-shirt and then I open my closet. Inside it I see the dress I want to wear. It's a tulle dress that's light pink and classy. I look over at my shoes, the white low heals with the ankle strap will do quite nicely. I grab them and stuff them into my bag. Aren't I supposed to have a bible? I shrug. We'll figure it out as we go.
I run down the stairs and head into the kitchen.
My mom is cooking eggs.
"Well you're up early," she says with a smile.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go to church," I scarf down an egg on my plate and then look up.
"If it'll make things better for you Abel," I wince at her calling me Abel. I smile. I'm almost out of this hell hole anyway, might as well burn it on the way out.
I run back up the stairs to brush my teeth and hair. Then I put it up in a bun, and smash my make up in my to go bag. I'll need to apply make up in my car to be safe. Or else they might change their minds and not let me go all together. Which is kind of funny, seeing as I'll probably get a lot of hate for walking into a church in make up and a dress anyways. But, I know it would mean a lot to Aliana, and someone has to carry her memory on.

So, I get in my car, get on my mascara and foundation. I whip on some lip gloss and throw my dress on. It would be nice to have someone zip up the back, but beggars can't be choosers. I slip on my heals and then pound the gas. Off to church I go.

I have to live and remember aliana. I have to live to remember aliana. I have to pay back the sacrifice she made for me. She died for me. And I need to pay her back. I need to remember her. Share her story. Make her known. Because she was and is the most beautiful soul to me.

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