The ones left behind

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The world looks bleak from this angle, laying on a hospital bed, looking up at the ceiling. My best friend's face ingrained in my mind. Aliana's body twisted in death. Her beauty ever showing even with closed eyes that will never open again. Her body contorted over her love.
Is he alive?
My eyes fly open. Next to me in the hospital bed, Pamela is asleep and then I notice the person in a chair nearby.
"Maverick," I smile, I can tell they put me on pain meds because I'm not feeling the stabbing pain I was earlier.
"Hey dude," he looks sad but happy to see me.
"Aliana's gone, isn't she?" Maverick is looking at me, his eyes watering.
"Yeah, there's a few guys on the football team too you might have known."
I can feel the tears, the desperate sadness eating away at my bones.
"Hey Maverick, will you go to church with me this week?" He looks at me and I look at him.
"Yeah dude, yeah I will," it's resigned. It's just when it's this bleak, there has to be something else that's able to heal other than something on this earth.
"Hey Maverick, is the trans girl alive too?"
"Yeah, they're safe,"
"I think we should bring him to church too," Maverick looks at me.
"I thought you hated her,"
"I don't think he's doing the right thing by transitioning, there's a difference. But it doesn't matter now. He and I have something in common. We both loved Aliana."
"I'll see if there's anyone else that wants to come with," Maverick gets up.
"Thank you Maverick, for everything. I'm glad you aren't dead." His eyes are bleeding sadness. He takes a deep breath.
"Thanks," and then he's gone outside of the door.
Is Steven in this hospital too? Do they have him behind closed walls somewhere nearby? Where did they take him? What did they do to him? My mind is filled with longing for some speck of hope in the dark. Something to come save us all from the hell we're living in. Pamela stirs at my side.
"Joe," she whispers, her hand slowly pressing on my chest. I look down.
"I like you," she says snuggling into my arm. I chuckle.
"I like you too."

I see a doctor walk by, covered in blood. I see stretchers rolling by. I hear crying. I'm waiting for the moment my parents arrive. All the things they'll have to say.

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