Is the window worth it?

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I'm on the text line, I'm having Joe call the police, I'm doing everything I can. If I die, so be it, but hell if I let the rest die. I look down at Joe.
"Joe, we might die for doing this, I'm ready, are you? These people need someone to help. And I'm staying no matter what. I'm not going down without a fight." I can see tears in his eyes, the deep seeded panic.
"Joe, you don't have to stay with me."
Pop. Pop. Pop.
"You can leave, I'm sure you've figured out how to get out of the window by now, they have to have people on their way. There has to be someone coming."
"I'm staying with you," Joe says solemnly.
"If you die, I die right next to you."
I can hear murmurs of other voices, other people coming to the same conclusion we are. The screams are getting louder, there must be a herd of students racing towards the exit near the library, but if the herd is running towards us, something much worse is heading towards us as well.
I should have seen this, I should have seen this coming, there must have been somehow to see this coming. There must have been some way to know that they were going to do this. We weren't fast enough though. We weren't smart enough, we weren't—
Pop. Pop. It's getting closer, I hear a crash, and look to my left. Someone has broken one of the library windows, people are jumping. I'm watching a horror movie in my own life. I'm watching people shove themselves out of the window with the hope of survival, out somewhere where they can save themselves. I see one kid who looks around not knowing what to do. I know him, he's a kid with a very severe mental disability. What do I tell him? how do I help him? What do I do?

Pop. And then the door to the library shatters. Two unlucky girls are standing by the door, I watch as half of one of their skulls burst in half, like a popping flower, the other takes it in the gut, falling back, oozing blood on the ground. My heart is in my ears, I duck down, I look to my left. The kid who has the learning disability is looking around frantically with no one to help him. I'm about to pull him down when I watch him get riddled with bullets. The boy falls to the ground, dead.
I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do. I've sent the message. I guess all that's left is to wait until death.

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