Self betrayal

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It feels weird walking down my school hallway with nothing to fear. At peace even. No one telling me I'm worthless. No one saying I should be better. They're all afraid of me now. They run but they're not fast enough. They hide but it's useless. I should have enlisted in the army with the aim that I have. Hadn't even realized I was this good.
The screams are something else. they're loud—ear piercing. they scream for forgiveness, for pity, for mercy. For something to save them. But Nothing comes, no one comes. they all die one by one, plowed into the ground by rounds from a gun. Theres a blood stain painting a messy trail down the wall to where a kid sits pooling in his own guts. He's still breathing, his throat choking on his own thick warm blood. I can see it bubble up from his insides as he opens his mouth. I aim my gun. Fear wells up in his eyes.
"Do you believe in God?" I ask, feeling the corners of my mouth twitch upward.
The boy is frozen, petrified, gun barrel against his forehead. He doesn't respond.
"Well?" The life is bleeding out of his eyes.
He nods and I pull the trigger. grey matter splatters on the wall like mashed potatoes, blood blossoming like water painted flowers. What an idiot. What an absolute idiot. There's a kid running while holding their other leg together. I aim for the unharmed calf and pull the trigger. The flesh flays away like dandelion fluff. The girl next to him is sprayed. She crumbles into a ball on the ground, covering her head, shaking and it shock. Snapped in two emotionally. Pity doesn't save her though, people Trample right on over her. Even in death, all they care about is themselves.

I'm nearing my next pit stop, the library. All those people flooding out of the exits. They're so stupid. They all thought they knew better, like they could be prepared. They're so ignorant and dumb. And now look at them, splayed against the floor like paint and rubble from an old crumbling building. They're all Dead. Or soon to be.

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