It's time

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We mapped out our plan for Monday at 11:15 am when the lunch period starts at the school. We have the schedule written out, we have the guns, and the ammo, and the home made bombs. We check and double check everything.

I hear a knock on my door. We swiftly pack away the contraband and Jeremy throws himself out of the window.
"Hey Steven, your mom and I are going to turn in early tonight, we both wanted to say thank you for being so obedient and cooperative. We both are really proud of you and we're sorry this year has been hard on you."
I can feel a lump in my throat I don't expect.
But it's too late now.
"Thanks," I smile.
My dad goes to walk away.
"Hey dad."
"Yes son."
"Thanks for being my dad."
"Of course. It's a pleasure."
"Thanks, dad."

It's been a pleasure for me too dad. But I'm glad it's almost over. I'm so done with the pain. The agony. The day to day struggle of never measuring up. I already disappointed them, this is— this is it. It'll be over.

My dad takes one last look at me and closes the door. It's hard thinking this is one of the last nights I'm going to spend in this house. Under this roof. This is one of the last times I'm going to say goodnight to my dad and mom.

It's odd they don't know. It's odd how much they don't know. Im scared Im going to slip up and somehow ruin the plan. That I'm going to be the reason everything fails once again. That's all I can hear ringing in my ears. But I can't mess up. I can't mess up this time. If I mess up this time—

And then I laugh to myself.

I'll die anyways so as long as those jerks pay, I don't care what happens to me. They all deserve it. They all deserve to feel it. Walking around like they own the world. Well they don't. And they're about to pay.

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