An odd conundrum

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Maverick is next to me, as the shooter turns the corner, and he's finally in view. And I can't believe what I'm seeing.
"Steven please, Steven stop!" the head of my old best friend who I've known since I was a baby looks back at me. Those eyes I watched grow up since I was a kid. Those hands that would save flowers from dying, My best friend. Those feet that would go the extra mile to save anybody. But he's cold. His whole frame is cold. He smiles, and points the gun at me.
"Why should I care? You didn't do anything for me. You're selfish and don't take others into account at all. You just care about yourself. So tell me, why do you deserve to live any more than Aliana, who's swimming in her own blood?"

I don't know what to say. Why do I deserve to live more than all of those people I can see out of the corner of my eye? I want to say, who are you to decide that? Are you god? But In this moment. The barrel pointed at me point blank. I have nothing to say.
"That's what I thought."
Bang. A bullet is wedged in my stomach. Shattering pain erupts around me. The red blossom of blood leaking out of me. And I realize it. I was wrong.
He stands over me gun in hand. Inches from my forehead.

The funny thing is I have felt death before. That day I lost my leg.
I could do nothing to save myself. That's how I feel right now.

God if you're up there. I'm sorry. Save me. Do something. Please.

That's when I hear the bang of doors behind me. Steven whips around, gun firing but he's not fast enough. I hear the bang and watch him fall. He's holding his leg squirming on the floor in pain.
"We got him, we got him." A pair of handcuffs is now wedged onto his wrists.
"No. No!!!!!!" He's screeching as they carry him away, a stream of blood painted behind him.
Another man drops to help me. I'm soon on a stretcher being carried down the hallway—The haunting cries of Steven rolling through the hallway.

The boy who killed so many who now gets to live.
It's an odd conundrum. I can't help myself As I look up at the Crystal blue sky.

Why God? I asked you to save me, not him too.

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