It got worse

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The first thing I do when I leave math class is try to find Maverick. I don't know why, but at this point, he's as involved as I am. And if someone's trying to kill me, at least Maverick knows what's been going on.
"Joe," I turn around to see him coming down the hall, I smile. Last time I was this glad to see someone—it was right before Steven and I had our last game together. when we were really close. It's weird having a friend again.
"Hey," I say, letting him step up beside me.
"Maverick, I found something out about the car, Pamela saw who did it," I feel a shoulder pound into mine as someone walks by.
"Sorry," he turns around to face me. He gives me a smooth smile and keeps walking.
I feel Maverick's hand on my arm.
"Joe," he's looking down the hall at the back of the student now sauntering down the hallway at a brisk pace. His eyes are filled with terror. 
"Joe, that's him, that's the one that fucked up your car," he says it under his breath as a chill runs down my spine. "Do you think he heard us?"
"I—," my heart drops. Pamela.
"Maverick!" I whirl around.
"I'll meet you after school, keep yourself safe, okay." I'm making my get away when he pulls up next to me again.
"I'm faster than you, what class does she have next?"
He's right. But his bluntness surprised me. I shake my head. Damn it, how come I didn't even ask? This is such bullshit. She sat next to me all semester.
"Ill check this side of the hallway you check the other, what does she look like?"
"Hispanic," I grunt. Why didn't I pay attention to her? She was so close. How do I not know what she looks like. Nothing.
"Thanks, that'll help a lot," he rolls his eyes at me. Maverick's words have surprised me twice today—
We both look side to side, trying to find the classroom. I have no idea where Jeremy is right now, but now that I know it was him I can't help it, why would he do that? It's not like he and I have ever had beef. I mean not to the point that he would try and kill me, that's absurd. I mean, what if he succeeded? What would he do then? Wouldn't he get caught? I still can't find which classroom she's in. I've looked in every one so far. I can hear my heart in my ears, I'm so dumb. Fuck me. I know why I didn't want to know what she looks like. Cuz I think she's hot. I always went for girls. I always had the girl go for me.
And then far down the hall I see her walking. I feel the breath escape my lips.
"That's her up there," I say as we near the spot she's standing at.
"What's up? It looks like you've seen a ghost," She says confused.
"Pamela, I," I don't know what to say first. I just told her to butt out, and now I'm bringing her back in. Just like everyone else. I pushed them out. First was aliana, then it was Steven, then it was Maverick and now it's Pamela.
"Decided it would be a good idea to keep me in the loop now?"
"Yeah," I say. It's a relief she understands.
"Too bad, Now I have to get back to class." I block her path.
"Pamela," I say in a hushed voice. "His name is Jeremy, if you see him around stay away. He's dangerous."
"Why should I be afraid?"
"He knows you know it's him,"
"You guys know it's him too, if he hasn't gone after maverick yet what are the chances he'd even think of going after me?"
"Pamela I'm being serious. That dude is bad news. Just stay away from him and keep your head down."
"So let me get this straight, you won't tell me what's going on and told me to butt out, but five minutes later you've changed your mind and want me to be—
"Extra careful"." It's for your own protection."
"Joe, I lived in a third world country, the chances he can get his hands on me—are low. Don't sweat it, I'm not an American."
"At least give me and Maverick your number or take mine, so if you're in trouble you have someone nearby to call."
She looks skeptical but begrudgingly pulls out her phone. After pressing a few buttons, she hands the phone to me.
"Put your number in my contacts, I'll call if I'm in trouble. Same for you Maverick."
"Yes Ma'am." He says happily, waiting for Joe to be done so he can write his information in there too. I didn't even notice him pull up behind me.
"Thanks for the tip. I'll make sure to keep my eyes peeled." She says with a small smile and then trudges back down the hall and disappears into her classroom. She doesn't look phased. What kind of life is she living where someone trying to kill her doesn't phase her? And it hits me.


I did that too.

I am okay with dying that's why I'm okay with it.

But she's a straight a student with a bright future and a fully functional body. What does she have to not want to live for? I blink.


I hate thinking about people.

Pushing people out is easier than letting them in.

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