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I get in my dad's car he let me borrow then close the door behind me. I'm not the only one with rough parents, I've always known that, but right now sitting in my car looking at the house I can't help but think, is that why you don't care about someone trying to kill you? It's annoying, I can't get it off my mind. Her eyes, they looked so vacant, so serene, so calm. Even then when she was done crying her eyes looked cold, like it was driving her away. Like she decided I couldn't have in. Like I wouldn't protect her. Like I couldn't understand. Like I would tell everyone at school.

Why am I so bothered? But that has to be this. Anger. Anger that she won't trust me about Jeremy, angry that she won't trust me with what she's going through, angry that I can't do anything to change any of it. To say how I feel. I clench my fists. This is stupid.

I hit the gas and start my drive, my parents have arranged for me to have a tutor for my math class when I get home, I briefly wonder who it could be, can't be her. I know the math teacher said she might so maybe. but when I approach the drive way I give a broad smile, it's Maverick's car. Pulling up next to him I hobble into the house.
"Hey dude," Maverick calls as I enter. I smile back at him.
"You ready to pass math?"
"Why not?" I shrug.
Maverick gives a large smile and we walk up the stairs to my room.
"I keep meaning to say this but I like your house, it's spacious,"
"Thanks, how much are my parents paying you to tutor,"
"I said I'd do it for free," he shrugs happily. I look over at him.
"You're probably one of my closest friends, and your parents are nice,"
"But don't you need the money," what a pushover.
"Not really, I'm alright financially at the moment," there it is again. That feeling that he's more well off than he should be.
"What do you do that makes that much money?"
"When we get to the room, I'll tell you." He shrugs. It's strange, Maverick is a lot more complex than I thought he was.
It's funny to think about how I thought of him when he and I were younger. It's not like we didn't have classes together. He was always shy and reserved, and more than that he always stunk. But now when he's four steps down the stairs in my house, I realize I don't really care about the stink. He's recently suspiciously unstinky. Maybe I was just so guarded about it, I didn't even second guess my own opinion. But now, as he's walking a few steps behind me, I know how ignorant I was.

We've made it to my room and through my door. Sitting down on the bed, I pull out my lap top. He pulls out his.

"So, you wanna see how I make money?" He smiles mysteriously at me. I crease my brows and lean over his computer screen. On his screen I see YouTube pulled up. And then I look at the subscriber count— 6.5 million. I blink fast and then look at him again.
"I'm a gaming streamer."
"How long?"
He shrugs. "Few years back I started it."
"Doesn't this kind of mean you're famous?" I gawk at him. He laughs.
"Why should it? There's more than 6 million people in the earth."
"But Maverick, that's still a lot of people,"
"I guess so. Well I guess, to some, I would be considered famous,"
"What do you do with all that money?"
"Mainly save it, my goal is to get through college debt free, I don't expect to be doing it forever, I really want to be a software engineer, this is just something I'm good at on the side." I can't stop staring at him.
"So you don't want this to be the end goal?"
"Not really, I figure there's more ways to serve people than that, I mean it's not like I'm going to stop streaming, but it's not like it's the only thing I have going for me." 

Of all of the surprising things I've come to find out about Maverick, this one is by far the strangest one yet.

Why do people keep surprising me like this? Why are they like this?

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